
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Frosty and feisty

It was a little wintery here Saturday morning. 
There was a layer of ice on the stock tank, snow on the mountain...

...and mud on the horse.

George and Alan were feeling a little feistier than usual in the cold morning air.

Me: Lucy, you might want to think about getting out of their way.

Lucy: They wouldn't dare step on me.

Me: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Lucy: Alright, alright, I'll move.

Oh, to be inside their heads and know what they're thinking when they carry on like this.

Part of me thinks they're just doing what burros do...

but another part of me thinks they want their own reality tv show.


  1. We haven't had that first snap yet. I always look forward to it because the horses get so full of themselves.

  2. They have their own web series already. Complete with merchandise!

    They remind me of our cats who have periodic play battles up trees and around the yard.

  3. Yep. They look like the Amazing Brace to me.

  4. No icy weather yet but we did get a nice rain last night with a 90% chance of more today! YEE-HAW! We need it here in North Texas.

  5. Carson, your mountain has a LOT of snow! Mt. San Gorgornio, which is 11,000 feet, has some, too, but not as much as yours. What mountain is that? Love the goofy boys! Are you doing a calendar this year?

  6. Estella from Co.10/9/11, 7:33 AM

    Boys will be boys...tis another season coming, and I'm looking forward to the cooler weather. My kids ran around like chickens with their heads cut off the other day when it was cooler out. Hugs to all

  7. Wow, it looks cold. We had our first rain of the season. Funny to watch other burros play because they all play the same. Harry and Gunny play exactly the same as George and Alan. I think your blog is just as good as any reality TV show (better, actually). But I hope they keep auditioning because it's good entertainment.

  8. "...they want their own reality tv show."

    It's only a matter of time...

  9. One of those would look mighty good in a calendar!

  10. The George and Alan Variety Show, featuring the lovely and talented Lucy, Smooch and the kitties. Special guest appearances by Hank the Hunky Horse and Winona the Wonder Pig with her back up singers the chicken girls straight from their current show at the Palace.
    Wow, I can see it now.....

  11. A reality show!!
    So is that why I'm here daily!!
    I DID love watching Mr. Ed growing up! (Only the over 50 crowd will understand that :-}}

  12. Similar scenes playing out here... the Boyz playing and Gracie looking at them as if they'd lost their marbles. :) Stay warm, safe and dry.

  13. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I saw an ass on TV...

  14. I love how you catch the guys at play. I guess I need to get a telephoto lens to get pictures of my guys... they stop playing if I get near them.
    Yup... I think a reality show is called for... I mean, look at all of the others out there - I'd much rather watch your boys than some of the other stuff!

  15. I vote for the reality show...

    Looks like you got that chicken coop finished just in time!

  16. Oh boy...frosty already? It sure looks pretty though.

  17. Keeping Up With The Carsons or Real Burros of Mountainair?

  18. You are definitely worthy of a reality t.v. show. I see an Emmy award in your future!

  19. We came home from Angel Fire Friday due to the really cold wet air there. Ice was on our camper and truck. And I hear Red River had SNOW! We could see the snow on Wheeler Peak. What peak are you looking at from your place? It really is looking like ski weather!

  20. I don't mean to be rude, but better you than me for the frost. We are enjoying the best week of October weather that I can remember. Love the burros!

  21. Am I the only visitor today who noticed just how far the mud had plopped? *LOL*

    (or...gasp...WAIT...has that mud been there for weeks and weeks without me being in on the fun?)

    I know the two seasons of Middle Tennessee for horse owners : mud and bugs.

  22. I just wonder what they do when the camera is not on them....They probably play cards or something in the back forty. 5 card studs or something. (yes, I meant to do that)
