
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Don't stand so close to me...

...because it makes it really hard to get your ears in the picture.


  1. Those pictures are fantastic!

  2. I love the third picture of Lucy!!! It makes her look so regal. What a gal!!

  3. Lucy is such a beautiful girl! Have a great day.

  4. Lol I tell my friends this all the time.

    She is lovely!

  5. I am hearing Home Home on The Range.....

  6. Estella from Co.10/2/11, 6:57 AM

    The girl is beautiful, Lucy is such a sweet spirit and the ears you've got to love them. Her nose is so soft and that lower lip. I'm sure when you are with her and are still, just to two you. You can hear her speak to you, not only with her eyes but with her heart.

  7. Lucy has an amazing profile and just a hint of a Mona Lisa smile!

  8. But she loves you mom, so she likes standing close to you. :) (I loved that song, by the way... still do.)

    She's beautiful.

  9. Do you offer home stays?? Cause I'd pick up the tab for the Chicken Palace if I could come stay in your spare room and hang out with the animals for a few days.
    And I wish my dog were as camera friendly as those donkeys. She turns her head and slinks off whenever I aim it at her, so I have lots of pics of her butt. Lovely light in those pictures and George is as photogenic as usual. Love his lips.

  10. yep, those are some loooong ears!

  11. Great pictures of one gorgeous gal, with or without the ears.

  12. Lucy is very regal looking, isn't she? Lovely photos!

  13. Carol in Colorado10/2/11, 3:04 PM

    I love the donkey lips. I love to play with donkey and horse lips. Their muzzles are so soft and fuzzy especially with colder weather coming.

    Hope the chicken coop is going well and almost done.

  14. That's quite the trail worn deep from passing hooves.

  15. Gorgeous gal! The camera sure loves her.
    That track is deep. Is there only one track from your place out that they all use? Only one way?

  16. Lucy is a fine looking girl, and she knows it too!

  17. She looks like a "punk rock" donkey on the last photo with her mane hair standing straight up!!! She's a rock star and doesn't know it yet!

  18. As always, fantastic pictures
