
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The chickens have taken over the palace

I was planning to move the girls into their palatial winter home this weekend, when a renowned chicken whisperer will be visiting and could help me. Alas, a fast-moving cold front was forecast to blow through Wednesday night so I switched to Plan B.

Luckily, the electricians had arrived in advance of the storm to install an additional outlet in the barn for the girls' night light and water heater. I considered doing this electrical work myself...for about a nanosecond. I concluded that any D-I-Y project that could involve shock, electrocution, fire, and/or death should best be left to the professionals. And now the girls must lay another 162 dozen eggs to recoup recoop that investment.

Anyway, the girls settled into their new surroundings quite nicely. Minnie and Eugenia are much braver 
than Clara and Peach and went right to work exploring every corner of the palace.

Minnie: Why, look, Eugenia! There are skylights. And roosts.
And a hanging fountain and feeder. What will she think of next?

Minnie: Thank you, mom. I think I'm gonna like it here.

Me: You're welcome. I'll be back in the morning to let you out in the yard. Sleep tight, and don't let Wynonna bite.


  1. Nice perches - didya carve them yourself?

  2. I think this is just wonderful! All girls need a warm place to sleep at night.. even human girls. :-)

  3. I'm delighted to see the girls enjoying their new palace with all its fancy touches! Well done!!!

  4. I bet they were nice and snug last night! What good girls!

  5. What a great set up ! Now the girls can realy live the life of
    lay-sure (sorry, couldn't help that)

    They are lucky to have such a talented Mom and I thnk they know that !

  6. The Chicken Palace is lovely!!
    Lucky Ladies!!

  7. Home sweet Home eh! Maybe if you made Wynonna an omelet she might be happier :D

  8. What a great job you did for the girls. Good call on the electrical work!

  9. Very nicely done. I'm sure the girls will be very happy there. Let us know how Wynonna takes the new neighbors...Hugs to all

  10. Can't wait to hear what Wynonna thinks of her new roomies.
    I love that first photo; the lighting and colours are stunning - I can feel the warmth!

  11. Carol in Colorado10/27/11, 8:30 AM

    If the girls are happy, mom is happy.

    Nice job on the Palace. Hope Wynonna takes to her new neighbors well.

    if the cold front with the snow we got is any indication of what is to come, the girls will be snug in the Palace.

  12. Looks cozy-yet roomy enough for the girls. I think they're gonna love their new home. :) Great job!

  13. Looks like all the girls were in for a cozy night in their new digs. Great job on the palace.

  14. wow, even skylights! Very nice project you've completed and I know the girls are grateful (at least for a nanosecond in those bird brains).

  15. Haaaa! "and now the girls must lay another 162 dozen eggs to recoup the investment...". Boy, do I know this kind of math!
    They look so happy in their new palace! It's just perfect - and the night light will make it so much easier for them to read before bed! :-)

  16. Kudos - the palace is quite the architectural feat! Those girls look like happy girls. :)

  17. Very nice pen...why, I think anyone should be nice in there!
    xo, Cheryl

    p.s. sad to tell you we lost our first hen last night. we have no idea why other than the fact that the roosters were wearing her out. (2 roosters)

  18. Next Wynonna will want a heat lamp for the winter as well, the princess that she is. A nice little warm spa for the pig. Just another project to keep you busy Carson, ha!
    Best always, Sandra

  19. Did you whittle those roosts?? They are cool!

  20. That's one lovely chicken abode! Lucky things.

  21. What dramatic lighting! Looks Fabulous.

  22. Now that is just TOO CUTE! The girls look very happy in their new winter coop! (And your pun was cute, too!)

  23. Chicken video for chicken lovers.

  24. Neat creature comforts for your chickens, nice to think of them being warm and comfy.
