
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Calendar weather

It rained here Tuesday afternoon. I realize that's not a cause for celebration for most of you, 
but it is for those of us who live in the drought-stricken southwest.

When I saw the cloud layer above the pasture, I ran outside with my camera.
Wow. But wouldn't this picture be more interesting if there were a few ears in it?

Me: Thank you for interrupting your dinner to pose for me, Alan. 

Alan: How about a profile from this angle?
Me: Very nice. That might make the 2012 calendar.

George: Not fair. Nobody told me we were taking calendar pictures today.
I would have spit the hay out of my mouth had I known.

Lucy: Calendar? What calendar? Do I get to be a pin-up girl?


  1. Brings a smile to my face as always :)

  2. It rained her alllll night. I'm thinking the corral is one big swimming pool right about now. :)

  3. Of course you do, Lucy. You are after all, the only girl donk, so hands down, you are the choice for pin up girl!

    Glad you had some rain. So important in your part of the world.

  4. What beautiful weather! We're getting a huge Pacific storm today and tomorrow, so you'll probably get it in a few days, too. LOVE the ears!

  5. Love the ears!
    Best always, Sandra

  6. WOW. Nothing a little photo shop won't cure. Stunning and Yes, this better make the calendars. Do you sell them?

  7. Congratulations on the rain!!
    Very cool pictures, too.

  8. The winding walking path makes me think:Could the Grand Canyon have resulted from a group of donkeys moseying back and forth for thousands of years?

  9. Everyone in my office asks about my calendar. Glad to see the shots for 2012 already lining up.

  10. Oh, yeah, pretty much steady rain all night and this morning is good news to us who lived in parched NM. The boys and Lucy look like they are happy about the change of weather. Bad news for the balloonists, though. I'm so happy we got to see a perfect mass ascension last Sunday at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta -perfect weather.

  11. Much more interesting with Burro's posing with the clouds ;-)

    yipee yahooooo for rain eh!

  12. I love your calendars. I have one in me too and I'm hopeful that I'll finally have the time to put one together before the ball falls in Times Square.

  13. You can almost smell the damp earth in these photos- which, of course, look better with long ears in them.

  14. Wow. It surely is beautiful where you live!

  15. Those are all great calendar worthy pictures!

  16. What a gorgeous landscape. Wow.

  17. Please tell your crew that I think the whole gang is calendar-worthy. Maybe that will help ease some of this pesky competition.

  18. I ADORE that first pic of Alan.
