
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Be careful what you wish for

The half-inch of rain that fell here on Tuesday was a most-appreciated gift. A storm moved in during the late afternoon, and the rain continued through most of the night. There was some lightning involved, so of course my power went out. The neighborhood cows quickly figured out that the electric fence wasn't on and took full advantage. I woke up to find cows in my pasture. Swell.

So instead of enjoying a leasurely pot of coffee and easing into my day, I got to chase cows and fix fence at dawn ... in the fog.

Good thing the Ranger has headlights. It was easy to find the places where the cows jumped through the fence to steal our grass.

But what jumps in must eventually jump out, so there were several spots to fix. Despite the fact that it was 6:30 a.m. and I wasn't caffeinated, I had a great time. It's always quiet out here, but the fog made it eerily quieter. And the light! Oh my. I was hoping that the fog wouldn't lift until I got home and took some pictures of my herd.

When I finally made it back to the barn, Lucy and the boys were in a meeting.

Me: Time to adjourn. We've got pictures to take.

Hank: If I had a carrot for every picture you've taken of me, I'd be a fat horse.

Lucy: Did somebody say carrots?

Me: No. You were hearing things. The fog will do that.


  1. That is one of the prettiest pictures ever of Hank!

  2. I am impressed. I would've had my coffee first.

    In that last picture, you got the color line on Lucy's forehead matched up perfectly with George's back. How'd you DO that?

  3. I guess you never know what you will wake up to. Great pictures. Have a great day!

  4. I love your 'artist's rendition' of the crime overnight! That last portrait of Lucy is precious.

  5. Our second storm moved through last night, so it's probably heading your way! This one was a LOT stronger. Just a "heads up" for 'ya!

  6. Looks like General Hank is giving the troops orders for the day.
    I love the early morning mist we get here, it makes some interesting photos. I know that run-for-the-camera feeling!

  7. I love how you can take random photos and turn them into stories. Cows + fences = WORK!! No fun!

  8. I am legitimately impressed with your cow drawing abilities. Also your fence fixing dedication.

  9. Carol in Colorado10/6/11, 9:31 AM

    In the last photo of Lucy, her coat is absolutely stunning with the spots showing. Sorry about the cows and the fence. Cows are pretty dumb critters. Cute when little but dumb. IMO

  10. Better the cows getting into your field than your herd getting out, though they probably wouldn't stray too far from the groceries. Cows are such pests.

  11. Yes, fog generally affects the hearing. LOL

  12. I feel so close to you right now. We had over half an inch of rain fall Tuesday night, too. :-)
    Beautiful b&w shots.

  13. Great pictures and commentary (as always).

  14. Estella from Co.10/6/11, 4:23 PM

    Love the pictures..but of course I love them all. Darn those cows

  15. I'm mad for all your animals, (OK, Smooch and Lucy might be a leeetle bit out in front) and I'm addicted to your blog. I just feel like telling you that periodically. It ALWAYS makes me smile (except when you share the rare and inevitable sorrows that come when you share your life with beloved animals). I think you're funny as hell, you're an amazing photographer and should write your own book - move over Pioneer Woman, 7 MSN Ranch has a lot to say!

  16. I love your drawings.. ha! It's hard to believe the cows were smart enough to KNOW. I always thought cows were a bit stupid...
