
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wynonna, queen of the jungle

Me: Wynonna, why are you hiding your face in the jungle?

Wynonna: Damned flies keep trying to fly up my snout.

Wynonna may be a diva, but I have to tell you, this pig is too smart for her own good. You may remember the picture above
from a post in early July, when she hid her face in what was left of a hay bale to escape the flies.
When she's napping in the yard, she buries her head in the nearest available bush to achieve the same result.

Me: Uh-oh. Looks like one of your nemeses has breached your green veil.

Wynonna: I need a couple of boy servants to fan me with palm fronds and shoo the flies away. 
Isn't it about time George and Alan earned their keep?


  1. It's not easy being a princess. Sometimes you have to do all the thinking to keep yourself comfortable and outwit those flies. If only there was good help to be had life would be so much more to her liking. Smart girl.

  2. I think I see a business opportunity - pot belly fly masks!

    Pink. For divas only.

  3. Every time she's on your blog, I want a pig.

  4. I think I live for Wynonna updates ... and Lucy ... and everyone else. This is such a lovely place to start my mornings!

  5. Estella from Co.9/1/11, 6:38 AM

    My thought exactly, Breathe, one of those hang down in your face things. She's so smart....she should get a big hug AND KISS. I'll leave that to you, Linda, thank you.

  6. Don't tell Smooch I said this, but it is said that pigs are smarter than dogs.

  7. Sorry hon, but I donot think NM grows palms ;-P
    Ain't it difficult to get good help so far in the country eh!

  8. She is just jealous because the fourfoots all have fly masks.

  9. I agree with Breathe. Fly masks all around! Pink. With rhinestones.

  10. Wynonna can't be the only pig that needs a fly mask. Money making opportunity possible.

  11. Wynonna cracks me up! That is one smart pig! :)

  12. AH, bless her :). I used to comb witchhazel tincture through my horses mane and tail in the summer to keep the flies off.

    A few drops of t-tree and eucalyptus essential oils on head collars and rugs works too.

  13. Oh, I forgot to add that if you're going to try the essential oil it's best to put it on the top of the head band that goes up and over behind the ears (know where I mean?) to avoid possible contact with the eyes :).

  14. All divas need someone to fan them. At least I do!!

  15. All that lounging has got to cause a pig to work up an appetite. Maybe George and Alan could feed Wynonna grapes while they are fanning her.

  16. This post cracked me up.
