
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

No time for sergeants

There was a chill in the air yesterday morning. Smooch was feeling extra frisky. 
George and Alan did not share her enthusiasm. 

Smooch: Wake up, you guys. It's time for morning laps.

George: Who died and named you Drill Sergeant?

Smooch: Quit your whining and get with the program.

George: Can't we do some stretches first?

Alan: That dog seriously needs to cut back on the caffeine.

Smooch: Don't make me come over there...

Smooch: Eat my dust.

Alan: What do you feed her, anyway?

Lucy: Running laps is beneath me.

Lucy: I'd like two pieces of toast, buttered, jam on the side.
Then, and only then, will I think about exercising.


  1. Smooch. Army of one.

    Great photos, I really love how you've captured her expression!

  2. I should do it like Smooch but I do it like Lucy. I THINK ABOUT exercising.
    I love this photo story!

  3. My Wally is very much like Smooch, in that throughout the day he LOVES doing his laps around the yard and all we can do is stand still and hope his radar is working so he doesn't run over us! I don't know what gets into him, but he enjoys himself and we always get a good laugh over his antics.

  4. Obviously Smooch is a morning person.

  5. Dear Smooch....
    Please email me some of that energy okay, eh!

  6. Remind me what you call Smooch's race around the fence. Our dog did the "Indy 500" in the house--bouncing off the wall at the end of the hallway.

  7. Sorry, Smoochie... I'm with the equines on this one.

  8. Estella from Co.9/14/11, 7:11 AM

    I don't know what you feed Smooch, BUT I'll take some. Love the pictures and expressions. Lucy is looking soooo good. Have a good day

  9. Metabolism is a wonderful thing. I miss mine.

  10. Apparently, donkeys are superior. Look at those svelte figures without doing laps. Of course, George, Alan, and Lucy are perfectly aware that they are superior.

  11. George really is quite a dandy... just a gorgeous boy. And Lucy.. does she have a sore on her shoulder - did I miss a post? And that dog... he must sleep well at night. :)

  12. It looks like George is trying to dig a hole so Smooch can crawl under the fence and come to their side for a visit.

  13. Carol in Colorado9/14/11, 8:43 AM

    Smooch, it's too early to have that much energy. Come back around 10, please!! Or maybe noon.

  14. I'm with Lucy... feed me first.

  15. Smooch looks half Queensland to me, but the other half must be Greyhound. Maybe that's why she likes to chase rabbits. Or maybe she gets confused. She's herding rabbits and wants to chase donkeys. Whatever, she does it all with great joy.

  16. I'd rather take a nap with the donks than run laps with Smooch anyday. I'm SO not a morning person.

  17. Ya gotta love a dog's energy, don't you? Big squeeze from me for Smooch - when she slows down.

  18. Love the energy in these photos.
    Best always, Sandra

  19. CeeCee - I think the term you're looking for is microburst.

    Margaret - The "sore" on Lucy's shoulder is actually a blob of dirt. Flies see to like that spot, so I apply s.w.a.t. ointment to it every morning to keep them away, then the dirt sticks to the ointment.

  20. Nothing like a dog with the zoomies - as long as I'm not expected to run alongside! I'm with Lucy - two pieces of toast with butter and jam, then I'll think about moving.

  21. Gotta love a dogs energy... But I love to WATCH it... I am much more like Lucy!!! =)

  22. What a great bunch of action shots! Wish I had all that Smooch energy - I'd get a hell of a lot more done each day. Lucy is so lovely and serene with her dapples and calm expression.

  23. Great photos. I especially like all the ears I see on your blog. (If you have time to drop by my blog ( you see why! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog; I'm a daily reader now.

  24. Do I see a sore spot on Lucy's shoulder? Smooch is one morning pup!

  25. Do I see a sore on Lucy's shoulder? Smooch has way too much energy:)

  26. May be Lucy want some energy to burn that why he want toast and jam.
