
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Every good dog deserves a cookie

It was Saturday evening around 5:00. I was cleaning up the kitchen. 
Something caught my eye over in the bedroom. 

Me: Smooch, staring at the phone won't make it ring.

Smooch: Mom, it appears you left one of my cookies on the nightstand. May I have it please?

Me: Smooch, have I told you today what a good dog you are?

Smooch: Actions speak louder than words. 
You don't have to say a thing as long as you give me that cookie.

Smooch: I wonder how long I have to sit here before she falls for that good-dog thing again?


  1. Hurray for Smooch!! She really is a good dog for sitting there and not snatching that cookie.

  2. Awww, Smoochie Woochie... but you ARE a good dog. :-))

  3. Wow. I'm making my dogs read this right now.

  4. There is nothing more lovable than a dog with good manners.

  5. OMG! My dog(s) would have just jumped up and gobbled that cookie! One time I walked into the kitchen and Ripley, our black lab, was on her hind feet licking off a plate of meat juice! They constantly go through the trash and I stumble out in the morning to find debris in the living room. They eat the cats' food. Smooch is an angel!!!

  6. Estella from Co.9/25/11, 7:40 AM

    One BIG hug and kiss for Smooch, what a good dog and what an adorable face.

  7. She is absolutely the best dog ... except when she isn't ... which doesn't seem to be very often! Happy Sunday to you and your critters.

  8. Smooch is adorable! And what a good dog.

  9. She is such a cute and smart dog!!

  10. What a good Smooch! I'd say that she deserves a big smooch!!

  11. What a good dog! Mine would certainly not have politely waited for permission to eat it. But then, mine would not have let me go to sleep Friday night while a cookie was still on the nightstand! LOL

  12. Smooch is sooooo photographic - that last picture is awesome!
    Who says dogs can't count?? Put 3 treats/cookies in your pocket and he'll know how many you have given him and are left :-}}

  13. Wow! Good girl, Smooch! There is NO WAY my dog would just sit there and wait for me to hand him a cookie that was within his sniffing range.

  14. Now THAT is a gooood girl! I think I will read this post to MY dogs, see if it sinks in any.

  15. Smoochie does have a lot of patience and I praise him! Good doggie, he is!

  16. Smooch has such good manners! Wow, my little Bossman (who I miss more and more everyday) would have just taken it!

  17. Smooch is such a good girl! I have two that are good and one that is a thief! LOL

  18. That is one GOOD dog. Mine would have been scrambling all over the night stand, flinging electronics in every direction, as she tried to grab the cookie. Guess I have some work to do...
    Good Smooch!

  19. That dog is too precious for words! And your photos are perfect! Made my morning. Thanks

  20. Oh, Smooch. You are such a good girl. That would've never happened at the Hairy Hacienda.

  21. Carol in Colorado9/25/11, 8:42 PM

    You have wonderful table manners, Smooch!! Politely waiting to be allowed to eat. Smooch, you are a pretty girl!!

  22. LOL! At first I thought Smooch was waiting for an important phone call

  23. Oh my! She is a good girl, isn't she? Sigh. I used to have a dog like that. Now I have a pack of rowdy rescues. I can't seem to teach them anything, no matter how many times we watch The Dog Whisperer together. My compliments, Carson, that takes work.

    BTW, I absolutely adore your floral (or flowerdy as they say here in Georgia) bed linens.

  24. Ha ha! An old friend of mine had a similar scene with her golden retriever. Her daughter left an open bag of potato chips on the sofa in the family room, and there was Murphy, sitting patiently next to the sofa staring at the chips, her chest all wet from the drool that ran from her mouth -- for who knows how long. The chips were within easy reach, but she was such a good dog, she didn't help herself, she just looked at them and longed for them!

    You sure raised Smooch right!
