
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't blame me. George started it.

It was early Tuesday evening. I was in the corral doing chores 
and George and Alan were trying to convince me to play with them.

Alan: Come on, mom. Pick up a cone. This is fun.

George put his cone on top of Alan's back.

Alan: Take that off. What do you think I am, a detour?

Me: Now I get it! All you had to do was tell me the rules and I'll play the game.

George: You misunderstood. This is not what I had in mind.

Alan: See what you started, you jackass?

George: Hey! Get back here! I'm not going to play this game alone with her.
She cheats.

Me: So the object is to see how many cones you can put on top of the other player, right?

Lucy: I hate to perpetuate stereotypes, but you look like a total ass.

George: Why, yes, I suppose I do.
And so do you, now that you mention it.

Lucy: She's going to pay for this.

Lucy: Treats. Now. Or we're never playing with you again.


  1. What a wonderful early morning laugh I got out of this 'game'. The last picture is so cute/funny ... perfect ending to your post!

  2. Estella from Co.9/21/11, 4:20 AM

    Fun game..the last photos with Lucy and the boys..looks like she's wearing them as earrings. How funny, you have the best time with the kids. Hugs to them all, and have a lovely week.

  3. How do you survive all that cuteness - day in and day out??? :D

  4. I swear George and Alan are the cutest ever!!! Makes me want to get a couple for myself lol.

  5. I hope George, Alan and Lucy's patience with your antics, oops games, were well rewarded. It is amazing all the things cones can do. Can't wait for the next installment of the Cone Diaries.

  6. Lawd a mercy! Did they happen to place any cones on you?

  7. Oh my! Now I wanna play too. You take donkey games to a whole new level. :)

  8. How funny! The last picture made me laugh, I would give them those treats right now, they look very serious!

  9. Those Sweet Babies of your just made my morning! I may have to play that game with my big girl Josie. LOL

  10. Jenny in MN now in AZ9/21/11, 7:29 AM

    Great pictures as usual but that last one! I about spit coffee all over my desk. LOVE this. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  11. That last picture and comment is great! Thanks for the laugh!

  12. patent this game and they gang will be NM's newest millionaires eh :D

  13. Wonderful shots, as always! I notice that Hank didn't want to play - orange probably isn't really his color, right?
    Hey, whatcha doin' with the round pen in the corral?

  14. Can I play? I get the feeling you had more fun than the other players!

  15. Love love love the last picture!

    The boys perky in the background and Lucy up front looking... less then amused???


  16. ha! The last photo is hysterical! Very cute.

  17. Those pictures cracked me up and it surely made it my day...Thanks for sharing with us all...Giggling... :-D

  18. Thanks for the laugh, just what I needed today!

  19. Great photos, especially the last one. They look like a little donkey pop group!

  20. Tell George & Allan that they are in VERY exalted company with this game!

    There is a statue of the Duke of Wellington in front of the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow & he regularly wears a traffic cone (and it's nothing to do with the number of student in Glasgow, honest!)

  21. In the first picture, George appears to be morphing into a long-horn!

  22. LOL! I guess you played with them!

  23. Oh too cute! They are so photogenic and you do such a great job capturin gtheir personalities! I love your header, by the way!!

  24. Ok this post had me cracking up!!!! The last picture is amazing!!! Love it!

  25. i love that last shot.... it is artsy and so very symmetrical and I guess I am drawn towards order these days...

  26. I bet that cost you a whole bunch of treats. How is the world did you get them to stand still enough to get a photo? I can't hardly get my iPhone app on before I have a nose in my viewfinder, let alone balance cones on head!

    (you can tell me. It's Velcro, right?)

  27. Oh Carson! I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life! Thank you!
