
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Because I wouldn't want you to worry...

Many of you expressed your concern yesterday about the mad cow and whether she made it back to her herd.
I am pleased to report that she did. Smooch and I ran into her later that day on our walk. She had joined up with a gang of five north of our fenceline. Usually I can't tell one black angus from another, but this one's mud splatters were unmistakable. How a cow can get so muddy in the middle of the desert where it hasn't rained for weeks remains to be seen.

I will leave you with one more picture from the mad cow photo shoot which didn't fit into yesterday's story. Alan is being a total goober but the light and the mountains are so beautiful, I can't bring myself to throw it away. But I can't think of a caption for it either. I'll leave that to you.


  1. I love his goober shots! They always make me chuckle.

  2. Well, I'm glad she made it back to her herd. I'm too sleepy this morning to think of a caption, however! The coffee is on the's been a LONG week!

  3. My first thought for the photo caption was "Oh, RUSTY!" from the Seinfeld episode where Kramer fed a carriage horse a huge can of Beano Baked Beans and then tried to take George's future parents-in-law on a carriage ride to make brownie points. The horse "toots" fro the beans made everyone sick and the carriage ride ended early.

    I guess you had to watch it, but it tickled my funny bone!

  4. Marco??


  5. Estella from Co.9/29/11, 6:27 AM

    I was going to ask about the cow and how she got sooo muddy this time of year and the other cows actually looked pretty good????? There must be a mud hole out there some where (just for her). Alan was probably letting her know that she was pretty nasty smelling. Hugs to the kids

  6. He is singing...
    "Climb every mooooountainnnnnnn......" ;-)

  7. Glad she found her way back and didn't plow through your fence in her dismay.

  8. I think he might be belting out "You Are My Sunshine." :)

  9. I just spent my vacation on a cattle ranch in Montana and I am almost 100% sure that her "mud splatters" were indeed, sh*t splatters.

  10. I'd caption that one: Mom, George farted.

  11. The picture ... LOL My first thought is the same as C in WI ... looks like someone farted! I recall that episode of Seinfeld and Rusty the bean-tootin'-carriage horse! LOL

  12. Caption:

    Alan, the seeing eye donkey, warns George of the upcoming fence...

  13. How come Alan doesn't have a fly mask? Is it because he keeps losing them? Silly Alan. :)

  14. "Alan being a Goober" sounds like a good title to me! He is his own "man" :)

  15. "Mom! That nasty, scary cow is LOOKING at us!!!"

    Nancy in Iowa

  16. Alan: seriously, George, could you not have waited until I moved away from this end? And what is mom feeding you???

  17. Alan is saying "Peeeeyyoooo! George I don't think that 'mud' is mud if you know what I mean"

    And that's my thought too. You said you didn't know how she could be so muddy. I'm thinking its more manure than mud.

  18. I think he's suntanning his teeth.

  19. "have you heard my mad cow impersonation? Mooooo!"

  20. Glad she made it. Great shot too :)
