
Friday, August 26, 2011

When life gets as wild as a Mustang

I don't think I've ever been so happy for a week to end. 
Running around in circles in a panic seems to be the new norm. 
This is not a mode in which I am accustomed to operating.

I don't write much here about the job that pays the bills and keeps me occupied during the day. Good thing. It's not very exciting. 
But I do enjoy it. Except for weeks like this when I'm running in so many different directions, I can't see straight.

But eventually everything has a way of falling into place.

There's still the unexpected event that takes me by surprise...

...and challenges me to keep things in perspective,

but as long as I remain calm and centered...

...and have you all to listen to me ramble...

...I can find comfort here when life gets out of control.

Nothing is as wild as it seems...

...because I'm surrounded by friends.


  1. As we all say, "thank goodness it's Friday"! Have a great weekend.

  2. Happy Friday,Carson. One day you will retire (like me) we all do. No more running in circles. Life is good!
    Best always, Sandra

  3. Ah yes. Lo siento. Where would we be without our internet herd?

  4. Beautiful faces and BUTTS! I'm so looking forward to the weekend and I've only had 2 days of school this week! I NEED some horse time!

  5. I'm hearing the song "You've Got a Friend" by sweet baby James Taylor.

    Had a few of those weeks lately myself with moving elderly parents (times 2) and my son's wedding in one month. Some weeks just fly by and leave you in the dust.

    Where did summer go this year???

  6. I have no idea how you resisted bringing half that herd home. They are so beautiful.

    I hope the snakes, coyotes and other critters respect your need for respite this weekend!

  7. Your crazy week is over. What lovely thing do you have planned for your weekend? Reading, visiting with friends, scooping poop?

  8. Estella from Co.8/26/11, 6:28 AM

    Several deep breaths and just looking around at the wonders in my life centers me..AND knowing every trial no matter of large or small is for the good in some way. Hope things are going better for you. Hug the kids for me

  9. Carson, you have said it so well. I do come to your blog to escape the rat race of life.

  10. I live for everything except work although work pays the bills. I think I must spend most of my life at work too.

    Beautiful mustangs! So, are you bringing him home??

  11. TGIF! Sometimes weeks like that just happen and then it's back to normal. Put your feet up and have a Margarita tonight and enjoy the sunset tonight.

    Beautiful pictures of the mustangs. Still wish you could have brought at least one home with you.

  12. OH, what a beautiful post.

    Thanks for sharing.

    And I really want to be there to rub those beautiful faces.

  13. Here's hoping for calmer seas ahead!

  14. Loved this post! Glad your hectic week is over...enjoy your well deserved weekend break.

  15. The week is almost over. Yeah!Hang in there! I hope it is calm enough for you to sit down this evening with Smooch and the kids and have a big fat margarita!! You deserve it! :)

  16. Carol in Colorado8/26/11, 8:57 AM

    Thank you for sharing all the beautiful butts of the mustangs. I like the grey with the black speckles on it.

    I am glad this week is done too. We started school on Wednesday with K12 again. This year is going to be a busy one with all the new requirements in school and 4H projects. Keeps us out of the bars!!

    Have a great weekend and get some riding in!!

  17. Weeks like that make you appreciate the quiet moments all the more. As long as Smooch doesn't get loose again!

  18. Oh boy, this speaks to my heart today. Thanks for that. I second Sheila's sentiment!

    Take lots of deep breaths and enjoy your weekend with your herd.

  19. You definitely are surrounded by friends (including the ones who read your blog). Have a relaxing weekend recovering from the spin cycle week.

  20. What a great post! Love it and the mustangs. Such beautiful pictures, Thank you:)Have a great weekend!

  21. But just think ... if you were still in DC, you'd have had the rat race at work plus the excitement of an earthquake, and you'd be looking forward to a visit from Irene this weekend! Instead, you've got wide, open spaces and beloved critters with whom you can share hugs and scritches. I hope you can relax, unwind, and get a LOT of hugging in this weekend!!!

    P.S. Your choice of photos to illustrate your text was superb as usual!

  22. Hi Carson
    Thank you so much for those beautiful pictures of the horses. Do you ever sell your pictures I saw one or two (or more) that I loved and covet!!! Bad Me Hope you have a wonderful restful weekend. Love coming to read about 7MSN and your family Take care Blessings Mary email if you have time Thanks

  23. I want to keep them all.

  24. Question: What's up with the horse that from afar looks like an appaloosa, but really isn't? It looks like old coat and new coat, but the way it's coming out is strange.
    Any idea?

  25. Great shots! I see at least 3 Mustangs that I wouldn't mind taking home!

  26. friends - both 2 legged and 4 legged - are good for what ails you.... glad to be part of the herd!

  27. Wow ... those are gorgeous photos. Enjoy, enjoy the weekend.

  28. I hope you have a peaceful weekend, and I want everyone of those little wildies. I keep feeling so bad for the one your favorite keeps resting his head on, the one that looks like every single inch of his behind has been bitten or kicked! It just brings tears to my eyes. Maybe I'm wrong and there's another explanation, please?

  29. I love this post - it is YOU! and several others of us...
