
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Morning at the Movies ~ Stuck on You


  1. Eeeek ... nothing comes up ... is it me?

  2. Ouch. I remember those mean cacti from Sonoran summers... they are attack-cacti!!

  3. I see that the proper technique of cactus removal includes a practiced quick flick of the wrist after a slow sneak-up-on. :-)

  4. Cactus surgery. Who'd have thunk?

    I'm at the hospital this morning with the hubs who is having some surgery of his own this morning. We all had a chuckle over your movie, including the nurse!

  5. owowowowowowow! I recommend some leave-in conditioner after their next shampoo :) Or hats. Big teflon hats.

  6. OUCH! Those things look like they hurt.

    "George, the 7MSN Unicorn" has a certain ring to it.

  7. Oh no! Can't see it... I'll have to try again when I get home...yuk! This is NOT the way I like to start my day...

  8. Loved the video. Do they actually eat these little nasty plants as well? I hadn't seen the watermelon video either so I wound up with a double treat today. Thanks, Carson.
    Best always, Sandra

  9. Carson, I'm not seeing anything either!

  10. I'm not sure why some of you are able to see the video while others of you are not. Here is a another link to it that you might try:

  11. Perfect music choice again! I really got my biggest laugh when you flicked the cactus onto yourself...I've done the same thing! ouch. :)

  12. Haha - the part where it sticks to you cracked me up! Not cause you got stuck, but isn't it just the way things go? Trying to do a good deed and it jumps off and bites you in the...ankle.

  13. Ouch! It looked like that cactus bit you too!!

  14. I cannot believe they eat those?! Do they also have the tiny hairy spines that stay behind, or just the big ones we can see?

  15. Nasty cactus! Good thing the boys have thick hides. I noticed that Lucy and Hank weren't silly enough to go grazing under attack cacti.

  16. ..Eek. Not a fun way to wake up! Loved the lopsided Unicorn.. LOL

  17. I wasn't in Tucson an hour and had gotten attacked by a cacti, it wasn't fun. Looks like this wasn't the first time for the boys. I guess you never know what the morning will bring at 7MSN ranch! Have a great day.

  18. Ha, ha, ha! Those silly boys. Wonder if they had to sleep like that all night? Good thing you were prepared with your instruments!

  19. Thanks for the early morning chuckle! I definitely wasn't expecting that ending!

    PS Had trouble leaving a comment, so it could be you get two from me!

  20. That was so much fun! Well, not the cactus or its removal.

  21. I went to the link you posted and saw the video ... eeeek and ouch!

  22. We dont have cactus up here, but we do have cockleburs! Cactus have mega thorns!! eeeekkk!!
    Cockleburs are a PITA LOL when they find them they are just full of them!!

  23. I'm sorry. Please don't tell the boys that I was laughing!! Ouch...

  24. Ouch! Those look like they hurt. Poor boys and your ankle. Geez! What a way to start the morning.

  25. Boys will be boys. Glad those cactus caterpillars were easy to extract.

  26. Too funny. Where do you come up with this stuff?

  27. I went back to view the movie this morning and it came right up! OUCH! Gosh darn! I HATE cholla!

  28. Those crazy boys! It's a good thing they have you to save them from themselves.
