
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some exciting evening

It was Monday night around 6:30. I was in my office, trying to write a lively post about a slow-moving turtle. Smooch was in the backyard. The five-alarm snake bark sounded. I ran outside.

Me: Where is he this time, Smooch?
Smooch: Hose roller.

I picked up Smooch, tossed her in the house, grabbed my camera (it's been a slow snake season and I thought you'd appreciate it), and went back outside to investigate.

Me: You've tied yourself in quite a knot there. The snake pole won't do me much good this time. Hmm... 

I closed the lid on the hose roller and evaluated my options. 
Plan A: Leave snake alone and hope he eventually unwinds and gets the hell out of Smooch's yard.
Plan B: Relocate snake using alternative transportation.

I opted for Plan B while Smooch watched my every move from the guest room door.

Out the backyard gate we went...
 (If someone wants to nominate me as the queen of multi-tasking, I will humbly accept the honor.)

The snake, the hand truck, the hose roller, the camera, and I made it to the end of the driveway without incident.

Me: You're out of here, buddy. Find another water source.

Snake: I meant no harm. That damned dog of yours needs to mind her own business and stay out of mine.

Me: I don't want to hear it. You have over-stepped your bounds. Be gone!

So there I was, lecturing the snake and taking pictures, when I found myself stomping my feet, 
unconciously rubbing one ankle against the other, when I realized... multi-tasking had come to bite me in the leg. I was standing on an anthill.
I jumped atop the hose roller to take this picture. See that spot where I'm pointing? 
That would be an army of ants doing whatever it is ants do when they're not biting my ankles and crawling up my legs. 
And the worst part? This was just the beginning of the evening's excitement. I will continue the story tomorrow.


  1. Gee gads, there's MORE!?!?! My heart is still pounding from the snake adventure!

  2. I think you should have taken the snake a lot farther than that! Like, maybe a ride to the end of the 80 acres?

    You are the Queen of Multi-tasking! Hear ye, hear ye!

  3. That was one BIG snake. To me he looked about as long as your hose. Good ol' Smooch.

  4. I don't know how you do it! That's a lot of multitasking, Carson! Was this the same snake that showed up a while ago? I came home this afternoon, after school, and two of my outdoor cats were lying in the MUD by the bird feeder...(rolling eyes)...Animals are weird!

  5. Seems your snake visitors always wind up in the oddest places. The ants sound like loads of fun, how can it get any more exciting?

  6. Made my morning, as you so often do.
    Looking forward to Chapter Two!

  7. Sounds like we had similar days..days that you're glad you survived..and hey, it's blog fodder ;)

    Love your snakes!

  8. Wow, my heart can't take much more LOL Never a dull moment out there on the 7MSN huh? be sure to finish the story, we are all waiting and holding our breath :) Jeanne in SC

  9. There is more?!?! TOMORROW?!?!?
    I am such an impatient person, but Ok.
    Smart thinking with the snake.

  10. You are one remarkable multitasker with camera in hand!

  11. I just knew you were going to say there was another snake! We have fire ants here and they are nasty! Looking forward to tomorrow's post...

  12. Looking foward to part 2! Never a dull moment.

  13. Estella from Co.8/24/11, 7:01 AM

    That was one loooong snake. I really take my hat off to you, dealing with snakes YUK, but you must have known before you moved out there that snakes would be in your life. So there's more...can't wait.

  14. There's more! Thats a lot of excitment for someone who lives far away from their nearest neighbours or a town eh! Very good thinking about using the dolly to show that snake the gate. I wonder if it was the sameone who tried to pull up a chair on the veranda?!? Maybe you should start marking them to see if it is the same one who keeps coming back.

  15. He's a beautiful snake. In someone else's yard, that is!

  16. WOW! That's a BIG snake! Pretty, but big. Ouch! I bet your legs hurt after getting attacked by ants. Hope you are okay.

  17. Why oh Why don't you just kill those snakes instead of relocating! I knew when I clicked on your post what it was going to be but I did it anyway!

    Funny thing is, this morning I was still half sleeping while my husband got ready for work, he had the news on and they said something about wearing gloves and handling water hoses as the snakes were crawling into the hoses for water and to cool off....I shot up and said, "What did they just say?"

    And now you have a snake and a hose....tells me my watering is DONE! I do not like snakes or even a thought of them. If I do water, I am turning on the water full blast so maybe they will drown if they are in my hose.......

    .....and you say the rest of the story is coming.....oh gosh....

  18. Wall, thar, Mr. Snake, if'n you ever head back for these thar parts and dare to slither through that thar gate... then you are in for a heap o' trouble, I'm a guessin'!
    You best head on yer way, over that thar hill... and be gone with ya!

  19. That is quite a snake!

  20. You ARE the queen of muti-tasking! I can't stand those nasty little biting ants! They have decided to live under the spigot/hose out at our big horse turn-out. They bite the heck out of me and then my hands itch for hours. No matter what we do-we can't seem to get rid of them.

  21. OH NO!! I just figured out what else happened. Thank God it had a happy ending. By the way, I made your artisan bread a couple of weeks ago. Yum. And unbelievably easy. I never know what to expect when I go to your blog every morning...snakes, bread, creatures great and small. You do have a way with words to match your fabulous pictures. I'm so glad I found your blog and that you continue to share your life and adventures (misadventures?) with us. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Oh my...I couldn't EVER live out in nowhere, especially when it involves SNAKES....I hyperventilate and go into shock when a snake is so close...even to see them in your pictures, gives my stomach a run for it's money...UGH!!!! You are a brave woman.....
    Sandy in NC

  23. Gahhhhhh ..... snakes and ants!!!

  24. Well, it isn't posted! You need a No Trespassing sign with a snake on it. And a little of the girls' nail polish so that you can distinguish repeat offenders from innocent by-slitherers.

  25. I thought you brought out the can of WD40. Maybe he wanted equal blog time.Can't let Steve become more famous after all.

  26. How many times do you suppose you have caught the same snake and released it?

  27. You're such a casual snake handler! I'd be lying in the shade, recuperating.

  28. So what kind of snake is it? Couldnt see the tail.
    Bull snake or Rattler???

  29. I will say there is never a dull moment at the 7MSN ranch!!! and thanks for taking the time to share :)

  30. I so dub thee Lady of the Snakes and Queen Multi-Tasker of the Sacred Order of Craziness!

    Purty little snake...
    Nasty big ants...

    Glad it wasn't the 'tother way 'round...

  31. What kind of snake was that? And it was so big! I think I would always be afraid to unroll the hose. Where those red ants? I can't imagine what was next...

  32. I would much rather face the snake than a hill of vicious ants!!!

    Nancy in Iowa
