
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Encore ~ Snake on a leash

It's been over a month since I've had to relocate a snake. If that isn't one of those things that you should never say out loud, I don't know what is. Be that as it may, when looking through posts from about a year ago to feature as a Saturday Encore, I came across this one. Thought you might enjoy it again.


This story starts, as so many of them do, with Smooch alerting me to trouble in paradise.

Whatcha barking at, Smooch?


Good girl, Smooch. Sit tight and keep an eye on him while I find my shoes and the snake pole.

I recognize you! You're the bullsnake who has been living under the generator for all these many months. I'll get you this time, my pretty. We've got house guests coming soon, and they have no interest in making your acquaintance.

I lassoed him right behind his head. He wrapped his body around the table leg and fought to hang on, so I lifted up the table and won that battle. But the war would rage on.

We made it as far as this gate. I was paying more attention to taking pictures than to the snake, and he promptly wrapped himself around the wire and wouldn't let go.

I gave the rope some slack, thinking he'd get loose and I would recapture him, but then the cap on the snakepole popped off and the rope got all twisted and the next thing I knew, I was taking a snake for a walk on a leash.

Come on, Snake, let's go.


We made it out the front gate without further incident.

Upon his release, he gave me a great big smile and promised he would never return.


  1. You're braver then I am, as I am NOT a fan of snakes, BUT I have learned to deal with them over the years.

  2. Never return? ha ha ha ha ha... Snakes lie you know.

  3. You know I was just thinking about the snake stories the other day. I hadn't seen any chez toi lately so maybe they rose to higher land. In any case lucky you but on the other hand they do eat the small rodents etc that manage to bite through wires on your trailer. Can't win either way can you.
    Best always, Sandra

  4. Do you really think that was a great big smile and a promise never to return ;). Smooch is one great watchdog, she'll definitely help you keep the ranch snake free. Good girl Smooch.

  5. Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon county. Have a great weekend folks. Richard from Amish Stories.

  6. Er, uh, Carson...I don't think that was a big smile! I think he'll be back! I mean, that was so much fun!

  7. Well....If I came to visit and pulled up a chair to your table on the porch expecting refreshment and instead you excorted me to the gate I would never return either ;-)

  8. Somehow I missed this post last year. The Rat/Black snakes around here do the same "wrap around" anything to keep from being captured and moved.
    Love Smooches ears in the first pic. She's channeling the donkeys.

  9. I don't think that was a great big smile...I think that was the snake saying I'll be back!! Girl, that would have been one less snake in the land of New Mexico for me.....just sayin!

  10. HA!! I bet that was a smile on his face!!

  11. I'd love to see photos of you snagging the snake AND taking pictures of the snake AND trying to get it away from your house!! You need your camera attached to a cap on your head or a coal mining hat that holds the light, which takes verbal commands like - "CLICK" "CLICK" "CLICK"!!

  12. Across the street... I think I 'd take him at least miles down the road! Aren't you afraid he will come back?

  13. Glad we don't have that problem here. I like you're snake pole.

  14. Just saw your tweet. Am soooo hoping that you and Ms. Lucy are off to celebrate Bernard's b'day and finally have a trail ride with Ellsworth!!! But I trust you gals have fun, wherever you're headed!

  15. Snakes ! You did it the humane way .

  16. I must have missed that story the first time around. Made me laugh out loud. Impressive snake, good job and we can hope the promise is real:)

  17. I'm not an expert on reading snake lips, but I really think he's saying "Bite Me"! Good job Smooch...

  18. I missed this one....WOW! You are quite the Snake Wrangler, my dear....Hecertainly has beautiful markings...BUT.....OY! He looks quite dangerous, indeed!

  19. Loved it! I missed this one when you first posted. Beautiful snake! Have I told you that my cat Emma, the beautiful Calico Queen, has brought 2 snakes home to me? Got her to drop the first one, a little green honey, outside the door, but she brought the 2nd one, a garter snake, inside the apt. When she dropped it in front of me it started to wriggle away but she put a paw on it (gently) and held it until I picked it up and relocated it outside. At least she's never dragged in one that size!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  20. I think I died a little bit reading this.... I have such a phobia.

  21. OMG, I haven't laughed like this in a long time. I hate snakes but like snake stories. This one was funny (to me). I know I'll probably have a snake dream tonight after looking at the pictures and probably holler out loud and wake my hubby up. I love that dog who got your attention. I have never seen a bull snake. Is he poisonous?
