
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saddle Cam

I shall forever remember the summer of 2011 as the summer Lucy and I rode the range. My dream when I moved to the 7MSN was to ride off in a new direction every time I saddled up, and Lucy and I have done exactly that every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning for the past few months. Every ride is an adventure, and I've started taking my little point-and-shoot camera with us so you might come along.

This past Friday morning was overcast – imagine that! The better to see the grass finally growing.
We've had 1.65" of rain this week.
Me: Lucy, why are you shaking your head?
Lucy: Bug flew in my ear.

Me: Let me scratch it for you. Better now?
Lucy: Yes. Thank you.

Lucy: Mom, you've got cactus on your boot.
Me: Perhaps if I stopped taking pictures and paid more attention to where we were going, we wouldn't ride so close to the cholla.

Me: WHOA, Lucy! There's a bone!

And not just any bone...a jaw bone, with a few teeth intact.  

Me: Lucy, thank you for your patience. While I stand here and admire and photograph this bone, you can have yourself a snack.
Lucy: Try and stop me.

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, and Lucy and I headed southwest, to an area I hadn't been for many years.
Me: Look, Lucy! There's our house! 
(Look closely to the left of the tip of Lucy's left ear and you can see the shiny roof.) 

The last time I saw the house from this vantage point was February 2006, atop Hank.
I'm happy to report not much has changed and it's still in the middle of nowhere.

As we approached the home stretch on Saturday, Lucy and I both noticed how green was our valley.
Here's a minute of video from the same area taken a week ago.

Amazing what a little rain ... and the most wonderful gaited donkey on earth ... can do for one's disposition.


  1. I loved the pictures and comments, by each of you, on the ride, but the video was truly THE best. It's like I was actually along for the ride!

    So in all the years you've been there, nothing has changed. No new neighbors or developments popping up. You are so fortunate, and I'm sure, so thankful.

  2. Great to see the results of the rain! The video made me so happy.

  3. I bet Lucy enjoys the rides as much as you do. Thanks for sharing your little part of the world. Have a great day!

  4. Awww, Lucy... you truly are our sunshine too!.

    How nice that things have greened up for you there. Always nice to see a bit of color in the desert, isn't it?

  5. Wow~Lucy sure does have a smooth gait! You were hardly moving at all! What a wonderful way to get out and see the area around you! I can't wait until I can take Scout and Cali out for rides! (...crossing fingers...) Yes, you are indeed fortunate that you still have a lot of open space around you!

  6. That Lucy is just so photogenic and if you were able to smile any bigger you'd have one of those "pudding faces" you see on the pudding commercials! I can only imagine what it's like to be atop Lucy and cruising your acreage! Have a super great Sunday, kiddo! Hugs to all your "kids" and to you, too!!

  7. Estella from Co.8/7/11, 6:44 AM

    I love the color green...and I'm always amazed how quickly things come alive after a rain. ALWAYS enjoy videos of you and Lucy out riding the range. Hugs to all

  8. cheering for the rain!! Wow,,,you sure do have a lot open space around u....priceless.

  9. Now all you need is a buddy riding Big Red with you!

  10. I loved coming along on the ride. So good to see your smiling face on your blog! Now send some of that rain our way!

  11. Such a happy ride, it made me happy too.
    Best always, Sandra

  12. A smiley "thanks" early on a Sunday morning

  13. Thanks for the video ride:) That really brings your world closer to us..Lucy looked pretty smooth too. As a gaited horse rider myself, I appreciate a smooth ride when I see it!

  14. The best video evah! You looked so happy, it made me happy! Actually, it made me laugh! You guys are everybody's sunshine!

  15. I'm in the process of changing my life. Seeing you so happy gives me the strength to keep going and follow my heart. No matter what the nay sayers say.

  16. Hi Linda Kathy is here trying to show me how to comment

  17. Ahhhh. Thanks for the ride along.


  18. That video gave me a smile that will last all day!

  19. I don't know who is or Lucy...I think it's a tie !!

  20. We don't have a very big place (its only 74 acres) and we're definitely not in the middle of nowhere - lots of acreages/farms/ranches around us plus close to a couple towns and the city. However I still get that same little thrill you described, when you ride out and turn around and can see your place... even if its just the roof or some trees as a landmark :)

  21. Great post! I enjoyed my minute of riding behind Lucy's ears! Also, loved the picture with your hand giving scale to the SIZE of Lucy's ears!

  22. What an absolutely wonderful video!

  23. Love the video ride. Love your smile. A good smooth ride can make me smile like that. We kid each other that we are going to have bugs in our teeth because of the big smiles. I wish you could film her feet sometime. I would love to see the gait to see if it is like a saddle horse. Maybe you-tube has some.

  24. It's amazing how much greener it gets after a rain or two. Love that you haven't been surrounded by development. I think Lucy looks like a fantastic ride! :)

  25. THAT brought tears to my eyes. And I hate when that happens. Now I've got to go out to the shop and organize my wrenches for awhile.

  26. OK, I loved the trail ride. It's been at least 18 years since I was on the trail on my TWH. Lucy's gait feels more like a stepping pace than a singlefoot or foxtrot...a first class gait for the trail. I love the heck out of your gal.
