
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lucy's little corner of the world

When Lucy wants to get away from the boys for a nap, she stands in this corner, wedging herself between the gate and the stall pipes. 
She could swing the gate over to give herself more room, but she doesn't. 
She seems to take comfort in the security that the small space provides. 

She thinks no one will bother her as she's waking up, still a little glassy-eyed...

before she's stretched and gotten the kinks out...

...or brushed her teeth.

Lucy: I've just about had it with you and that camera. 
Can't a girl have a little personal space once in awhile?


  1. What a doll!
    Best always, Sandra

  2. Well, I'm officially hooked. Stayed up until 4am to read today's post. Love how the b&w really brought out her dapples.

  3. Was she use to being stalled at her other home? Maybe that's it?

    Gotta love the pink mouth and tongue pics with the B&W!

  4. Lucy is JUST ADORABLE! Remember, if she is ever missing, she is NOT IN MY POCKET!!!

  5. Love the black & whites.. I also really enjoy the commentary. Thanks Carson.

  6. OH Lucy,,,what you put up with for your adoring fans eh! ;-)
    Number 4 shot of the pink tongue would have been a good entry for PW's B&W photo contest. What did you buy with your prize $ from the contest you won over there awhile back????

  7. Theresa EH - funny you should ask that question this morning. Just last night I used it to order 67% of a new point-and-shoot camera. The one I had been taking on my rides with Lucy was making me crazy because all the pictures were coming out with a hideous green haze. Look for more and better on-the-trail-with-Lucy pictures soon.

  8. love the black and white. Lucy is such a the dapple. Wherever she is comfy is the best place.

  9. Nice job on the editing. My stallion likes small spaces too- no claustrophobia for him.

  10. She's a sweetie. Clever use of colour in these.

  11. What fabulously comical shots! Lucy is a beautiful girl, but you, Linda, have a way with a camera!

  12. She reminds me of Patrick, who stands with his head facing into the corner of the stall in our barn a lot. I always wonder if that's his "get away place."

    I love the second shot of Lucy, but they're all beautiful.

  13. I love the header pics of all your animals, including "the girls".
