
Monday, August 15, 2011

Look what the donkey dragged in

Two weeks ago, I decided that the bones of the northwest cow carcass (not to be confused with the southeast cow carcass) were ready to bring home. I tied a four-foot length of spinal column and ribcage to the back of Lucy's saddle, only to realize I couldn't swing my leg high enough to clear it. Alas, I abandoned the primo specimen for the time being while the little gears in my brain engaged to devise a way to get it home.

Fast forward to yesterday...

Lucy: Nope. Not gonna do it. If you want that thing, you have to drag it home.
Me: Lucy ... Lucy ... Lucy. This is an opportunity to give you a job, boost your confidence, add to your resumé. 
How many other donkeys can say they dragged a big hunk of cow carcass a mile and a half to satisfy the crazy whim of their keeper?
Lucy: You're freakin' nuts. You know that, right?

To get Lucy on board with my idea, I dragged the skeleton for a little ways while she walked alongside me. 
Once I was sure she wasn't afraid of being chased by the noisy, smelly cargo, I saddled up and off we went.

Lucy dragged that thing along like she'd been doing it all her life.
Lucy: I have never been so happy to get home. Now open that gate 
and bring me a carrot, an apple, and a handful of horse candy. It's the least you can do.

Me: Yes, ma'am.

Me: Sorry, Smooch. That's as close as you're going to get to dem bones. But if you're a good girl, 
when we go for our walk tomorrow, you can pick up all the spare ribs we left out on the trail.


  1. Wow, what an adventure and what a good girl Lucy was. Now what are you going to do with 'them bones'?

  2. Now I REALLY have that song stuck in my head!

    Good job, Lucy. You rock!

  3. Lucy's expression is priceless...I laughed out loud!

  4. Poor Lucy. Not only was she subjected to the indignity of dragging bones home ... now it's all over the Internet, too. It's a good thing that Lucy seems to recover quickly. (Cool bones!)

  5. Oh, my goodness! Lucy is an absolute saint! Now, Carson, what are you going to DO with those bones?

  6. Ok, now I'm feeling like a wimp for not getting the molt the tarantula left in her condo/terrarium.

    Looking forward to seeing the bones desiccated!

  7. If this happened in my Canadian city,,,,,the Paparazzi would be at the door eh ;-)

  8. Planning a large pot of soup? I can send you a nice recipe! LOL

  9. Estella from Co.8/15/11, 6:49 AM

    You and Lucy make quite the team. Lucy trusts you now and that adds to the relationship a WHOLE LOT in the donkey and mule world. If you can carry a small tarp with you so you won't lose bones along the way and it will up grade Lucy's dragging ability,too. You guys ROCK

  10. You do pick the perfect songs for your little videos! That gorgeous Lucy is a true companion to go along with your bone finding excursions and I'm glad you listen to her brays of complaint by not strapping those bones to her saddle! I hope you met her demands for goodies after having done a good job! Always good for an early morning laugh! Thank you!!

  11. So..... do you think that maybe living out in the middle of nowhere with just a bunch of critters is finally getting to ya? Just Kidding..... Love it!!! I drag home all kinds of crap too but I don't have to actually 'drag' it. (0;

  12. I was thinking a tarp might save the skeleton from damage too, but I suppose that might be pushing the envelope a bit for this early in sweet Lucy's training. Good job!
    Do I dare turn on the sound,after hubby goes to work (he likes quiet in the morning) or will the earworm invade?

  13. I haven't heard that song for ages! Lucy is such a prize, I hope she got a treat.

  14. It is always so fun to stop in! You put together amazing stories! Loved the video!

  15. that you've got it home, what are you going to do with it..?

  16. How funny! I named my sweet little dog after your Lucy! My little dog is so sweet just like your Lucy!!

  17. I know it probably wouldn't have been as much fun but, why didn't you throw it in the back of the Ranger?

  18. CSI NM: the trail of lost ribs.

    Lucy is so patient and understanding. That must be some kind of tasty donkey candy at the end of the trail!

  19. Funny, funny video!!
    You are going to have the *coolest* bone yard in New Mexico! :-)

  20. ...LOL I will be humming that for the rest of the day! This was so funny :)

  21. Lindawhere is the little red wagon?

  22. I live with someone like you. He's forever picking up/pointing out some poor dead critter's bones and whatnot on our walks together. He collects skulls mostly and since we don't live out where the cattle roam, we have cat, skunk and I can't remember what the other one is. We both enjoyed coming along for the ride today. :)

  23. Carson, you never cease to crack me up and amaze me with your adventures!!! I Love wasnt that a TV show! LOL LOL
