
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Trails

Guess who had a hot date on Saturday? Lucy! She went on her first trail ride with Morning Bray Farm's Ellsworth and had a fabulous time, despite the heat and humidity.

Ellsworth has been learning how to become a saddle donkey this summer, and yesterday's ride marked the first time he and Justina rode without their fabulous trainer, Ryan, who had the nerve to go off to college. Justina thought a ride with Lucy nearby would be just the ticket to help Ellsworth develop his confidence on the trail.

Saturday happened to be Bernard's birthday, and he demanded a little of Lucy's attention before she took off with his older brother.

Lucy: I thought you said Ellsworth was inexperienced. Look at him standing there so quietly.
Very impressive... There's something to be said for these sweet young things.

Me: Lucy, mind your mouth...this is a family blog.

Justina warmed up Ellsworth a bit before we headed out. 
Those two are just the perfect pair, don't you think?

Bernard: Excuse me! It's my birthday! Why isn't anyone paying attention to me?

We rode along the irrigation ditch bank near Justina's farm. There was an endless variety of sights and sounds along the way 
that would spook the average horse...but we were riding way-above-average donkeys. 
The barking dogs, the rushing water, the lawnmowers, the geese, etc. barely fazed Ellsworth or Lucy. 

Lucy and I took the lead most of the way (no shrinking violets in this family) so we didn't get to see much of Ellsworth and Justina 
during the ride, though there was an endless stream of chatter. 
The picture above is one of those "stretch your arm out and hope for the best" shots.  
I can't tell you how good it feels to see Justina smiling again. Riding will do that to a person.

When we got back to Morning Bray Farm, Lucy and I couldn't resist the temptation to learn something new, so we collected Justina's mail...

...while Justina and Ellsworth opened the gate. 
How's that for a donkey who has been under saddle for less than three months?

While walking down the driveway, Ellsworth tried to get a little fresh with Lucy. 
Lucy gave him the tail brush-off and pretended to play hard to get.

Ellsworth: I hope she doesn't have a problem with shorter men. I'd like to ask her out again.

Lucy: If he knows what's good for him, he'll call me...tomorrow. 
None of this wait-a-week crap. I'm too sophisticated for those dating games.


  1. That looks like it was a fun day, and I got a kick our of your smiles on the 'stretch your arm out' picture! Thanks for sharing ...

  2. What a perfect morning. Friends can definitely make a person feel alive again. Thank you, Carson and Lucy.

    By the way, Ellsworth hasn't stopped talking about Lucy since you left. I think he's in love.

    We can't wait to ride again.

  3. It sure does look like fun, being carried around to see the sights and hear the sounds, on a smart, calm equine!

  4. That was awesome! I hope the four of you get to go on many more rides in the future. You all look so happy!

  5. Looks like you ladies and gent had a fun time. Thanks for my first smile of the day. You always get me started off right.

  6. Do donkeys pick up the pace when the ride finally tips in the direction of home the way horses do?

  7. Ellsworth better mind his P's and Q's! Lucy is too much of a lady for any fooling around! Question: Why is Lucy so much bigger?

  8. Hooray! I've been waiting to hear of a trail ride between you two (er, four)!

    Great pics! Looks like this was the first of many happy trail rides. Oh the places you'll go and the things you will see...


  9. Dating Donkeys? I sense a new TV game show coming to Showtime this fall!!

  10. I've been reading and enjoying your blog for a long time, but after seeing Morning Bray farm (again) I must ask you: Why is it so GREEN and lush there?? How far is it from your place? Do they irrigate EVERYWHERE???? It doesn't look like the desert southwest there--
    LOVE your blog BTW!

  11. Thanks for taking us along for the ride Lucy :-)

  12. Looks like a fun day with great rides. Hope there are more rides in your futures soon. Bernard is adorable too, Happy Birthday to him.

  13. Estella from Co.8/14/11, 7:13 AM

    Nothing better than a ride with a good equine under you and a good friend beside is good. I'm sure you'll have many more rides like that. Aren't donkeys just amazing, Ellsworth was sooooo good for the first time out (of course he's a donkey). Hugs to the kids

  14. What a perfectly special day for all of you.

  15. Such a sweet day. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  16. What fun! Here's to many more happy rides together in the future!

  17. Another wonderful post - so interesting for this cowgirl wanna be. I've been wondering what those wraps on Lucy's front legs are for. Protection? Does she have weak ankles?

  18. Thanks for sharing a picture perfect day among 4 friends.....Casa de Cuckoo

  19. How fun! Lucy and Ellsworth look like old pros at trail riding, and you gals are beautiful cowgirls. Sounds like it was a perfect day all around.

  20. *cough* Only because you have asked...I would suggest "fazed" rather than phased. Love your blog. : )

  21. don't know that much about riding donkeys...can you not ride side by side?

  22. What a fun ride you guys had! Your "stick your arm out and hope for the best" shot came out great. I love your earrings. :)

  23. They make a good-looking pair! I'm sure Lucy is too secure to be concerned about Ellsworth's short stature.

    Nancy in Iowa

  24. There's something to be said for women of experience. Good for Ellsworth for figuring that out.

  25. Sunshine, good company, and a stress free ride- big smiles just had to happen! Yay for Ellesworth being the perfect gentleman and letting his lady love go first. We won't mention his shorter legs.

  26. Photo #1 makes me wonder whether Nigel is still grieving.

    Good to see Justina smiling, indeed - and you! Seeing you riding Lucy always reminds me of your post "Doing Right By Hank", and I love how beautifully things have fallen into place.

    Anyone else think Lucy looks like Nefertiti? The eyes ("eyeliner"), see?

  27. Loved the ride!
    Best always, Sandra

  28. This looks like sooooo much fun! What a great day for the girls and their asses! LOL Great pics and love the arm stretched photo!

  29. Those donkeys are too cute! Looks like you all had a wonderful ride.

  30. Just saw this post...loks like a great time was had by all! It's great to see Justina with a smile on her face. I think you guys need to make this a regular thing. After looks like Ellsworth has a new crush. :)
