
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alan's stream of unconsciousness

Alan: It feels so darned good to lay down. I love grazing, don't get me wrong, 
but I was on my feet all stinkin' night. Zzzzzz....

Alan: I'm not home. Go find somebody else to play with.

George: I'll give him five more minutes, but that's it. He can sleep when he gets old.

George: Time's up, buddy. Rise and shine.

Alan: My kingdom for a snooze alarm.

George: There's no getting rid of me. I'm going to paw at you until you stand up.

(This is the part where you roll your mouse between the margin and the image for about five minutes.)

Alan: Would you just shut up already?

George: My work is done.

Alan: What was the point of waking me up if you're not going to play?

Alan: Butthead...


  1. I got a good laugh out of this, but like Alan I think naps are best without interruptions! Ha!

  2. Does Alan ever get even? Have a great day in NM!

  3. butthead....snorted coffee through my nose. Ya caught me!

  4. George can be now be considered an official pest. Poor Alan.

  5. Oh, they are just so darn cute!!! I know just how Alan feels. I'll be like that in about 10 days when I have to report to school!!!

  6. Why do I have the feeling Alan's so sleepy because he was getting picked on all night long?

    Maybe that's why he's my favorite--younger sibling trauma.

  7. what a darn N-A-G :P snicker giggle snicker.....

  8. Estella from Co.8/11/11, 6:52 AM

    They are sooooo funny...thank you for sharing. HUGS

  9. He he he...Thanks for the smiles this morning. Alan sure didn't look very happy, but I'm guessing he will return the favor to George some day!

  10. Poor Alan. What an "alarming" start to the day.

  11. Great series of shots.. Love your boyz!

  12. I love your photos. They really show the character of each animal. I bet it's never dull at the ranch.

  13. Remember George, revenge is sweet.....soooooo sweet.....

  14. Can't wait for the blog titled:
    Alan's Revenge!

  15. That's what big pesky brothers are for...I hope Alan gets even one of these days. :)

  16. Poor Alan. Never realized that donkeys are such characters until I started reading your blog.

  17. I'm feelin' a little like Alan right now.

  18. LOL, I love your blog, it's so funny, they all have so much character!
