
Friday, July 8, 2011

A line of debarkation

I spent a blissful day over the holiday weekend at Morning Bray Farm's annual crab feast. How can you beat fabulous friends, fresh Maryland blue crabs and cold beer? You can't. We even had an afternoon rain shower to play in. The rain brought down a large limb from a cottonwood tree in the backyard, which was promptly dragged into the corral.

Cottonwood tree bark happens to be a delicacy for the boyz of Morning Bray Farm. Who knew?

They went after that bark as if it were corn on the cob.

Patrick, everyone's favorite rescued roping donkey, was not at all shy about getting his fare share of the green.

Me: Bernard, you're barking up the wrong tree. Ellsworth's not about to let that piece go.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm willing to bet Fergus can snatch that bark away from Bernard.

Make a wish, boys...he who gets the bigger piece will have his wish come true.

I'm pretty sure Fergus wished for more cottonwood tree limbs.


  1. sweet, sweet eyes. Thanks for a lovely start to my morning :)

  2. A-DOR-ABLE!! yep, it reminds me of kids digging into corn on the cob,,,but wait! wheres the butter eh? ;-)

  3. A moveable feast! Thanks for sharing. The more I learn about donkeys the more I think I should have one.
    Best always,

  4. So funny! I had no idea that cottonwood bark was such a delicacy! mmmm...Maryland favorite!

  5. Awww.... GREAT pictures!!! :) Their faces and eyes are so sweet and soft in these shots. We're so glad you were here with us for our first rain in six months! And for the crab feast, of course. xoxo

  6. It amazes me that the boys will stand and eat together w/o doing a little pushing and fussing. Such happy pictures. :)

  7. Awwww. Denver had a tremendous storm yesterday. Wish I could pack up all my downed branches and send them to the boyz (and Lucy).

    Instead, I anticipate that I will be out in the yard chopping them into acceptable sized pieces for the yard waste pickup.

  8. Not often we get to see soggy donkeys! Great photos as usual. Beamer loves tree branches too; after he chews the bark off they become toys. He packs them around, then dumps them over the fence and waits for me to throw them back in for him.

  9. Our horses, donkeys, goats and chickens all love LOVE cottonwood trees. -- they even like the leaves in the fall when they are brittle brown.

  10. Yum. Looks like everyone enjoyed a fabulous feast that day.

  11. The "barking up the wrong tree" picture is fabulous! Good eye!

  12. How fun for them. Our property dries out this time of year and the donkeys have eaten down everything tasty. So they go into their state of dementia, not remembering when they last had some hay (2 hours earlier). Little starvin' Marvins, that's my Harry and Gunny. Too bad we don't have a cottonwood tree.

  13. I love seeing the boyz and hearing about the fun all of you are having. I did a Google search about it and found this interesting site

    Lewis and Clark discovered the Indians ate the bark and used most parts of the tree for medicine, also fed it to their animals.

    I'm always learning something new here.

  14. I'm so happy to see how Patrick as come out of himself since he was rescued <3

  15. aha nice pics your doneky's are cute..
