
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The doomsday affair

I knew the day I planted these flowers that I was wasting my time and money.

But I got to enjoy them for almost three months...

and now Eugenia, Aibileen and Minny have enjoyed them, too.


  1. OMG, those flowers were so beautiful/colorful ... how could you give them up, even to the girls?

  2. You have absolutely made my morning! This series of photos is delightful ... and so is your attitude. I will be smiling all day, thinking about happy hens munching on potted flowers.

  3. ...and your daily eggs, no doubt, have a lovely flowery bouquet...

  4. Well obviously you had a premonition before even planting....3 pots....3 chickens.

  5. I think you will have healthy eggs to enjoy. They are eating organic after all. Can't get eggs like that at the supermarket.
    Best always, Sandra

  6. LOL!!! Great photos of your girls. You won't see any flowers growing in pots at our place. If the chickens don't eat them, something else will come along and munch them down to nothing. I love having our little ranch, but sometimes it would be nice to have a pretty little flower garden.

  7. The 2nd picture is an unique one since all 3 chicks have the same thought! Food! :-D

  8. Oh, my! Yes, at least you got fresh, organic eggs!

  9. As you gave them their names you knew, they are doing what has to be done :-)
    The photo with a hen on each flower pot is hilarious!

  10. That middle shot is gorgeous in color and composition!

    I bet it was a fun hen party though!

  11. Too funny... one chicken per pot. :) The colors in these pictures is gorgeous.

  12. You have hens as I have deer. What do you do? I only wish my deer were as colorful as your hens, wouldn't that be a sight? They looked like they were having a good time. Debi

  13. I now know to enjoy the story here at your blog, but this was short and sweet. LOL too funny. Also loved the photography!

  14. I agree, that middle photo has spectacular composition! And I had a similar problem last year, with tomatoes through a fence. I couldn't figure out why there was only half a tomato on the vine, and why my chickens' heads were sticky. Duh. I just wish the eggs would have come out with salsa on them.

  15. I guess staring at the walls was going to get old eventually. :)

    Ah well, one less thing to water!

  16. They look like exotic little flowers themselves, sitting up there on the flower pots.

  17. Hahahahahahaha! I don't suppose saying "roast chicken!" deters them?

  18. Oh dear! Hate to say it, but I got the biggest kick out of the photo of the chickens standing on the flowerpots!
