
Friday, July 1, 2011

Dear Photograph

I came across an interesting website this week called Dear Photograph. The concept is to "take a picture of a picture from the past in the present." You can submit your picture to the site with a little note of what you might say to the old photograph in the picture. I've confused you already, haven't I? Click on this link to go see what the heck I'm trying to explain. I'll wait.

Kind of neat, huh? The site has only been around since May and already has almost 4,000 followers. There's a captivating nostalgia to it all.

Anyway, I thought I'd give it a go and walked around the ranch with some photographs I took six years ago during construction.

Dear Photograph,
The house isn't any less dusty now, even with the windows in and the walls up.

Dear Photograph,
You don't want to know how many margaritas have gone down here.

Dear Photograph,
If only Annie had snuck into the picture. Smooch could have met her.

Dear Photograph,
Six years later and I'm still waiting for the grass to grow.

If you decide to "take a picture of a picture from the past in the present" and post it, 
let me know in the comments. I'd love to see what you come up with.


  1. Now that is way, way too cool! Thanks for sharing the site and your pictures.

  2. VERY cool idea! I'll have to give it some thought and get back to you.

    LOVE your new header for the blog!

  3. That's a very cool site. BTW, I love the new header.. Hope you have a happy 4th of July!

  4. Very cool. LOVE your header!!!

  5. VERY interesting!! UM,,,how come I have not been invited for a frosty margarerita on your porch eh? ;-)
    I like your new header.

  6. I love the new header like everyone else. And the "Dear Photograph" idea has this old gals brain awhirling....hmmmmmmm. The possibilities.

  7. Love the new header!!! The chicken looks so serious! :)
    Thanks for the great website!! What a neat idea. Now I will be digging through old photos over the holiday weekend.

  8. That's a cool concept. I loved seeing the before & afters. *smile*

  9. I found that site too, now have to dig into my old boxes of pics. Dont live near any of the old homes so will have to come up with something else. But its a cool idea. And hey, give up on the grass idea, not going to happen there! Happy 4th and hopefully no fireworks scaring 4foots and starting fires. Weve had both already. Sigh.

  10. you took pictures with actual film while your house was being built?

  11. Love that concept and had never heard of this site. Will be something fun to do sometime soon!

  12. Wow! I'm not the first to notice yournway cool header?

  13. I really enjoyed the Dear Photograph shots - yours and those on the blog. What fun! Oh, I wish I could take some of my old photos back to my old haunts to make a picture of the past in a picture....

  14. that is a neat idea...

  15. like your shots of the construction house up against the finished house!

    LOVE the new header :)

  16. I saw that on the Yahoo! homepage the other day and thought it was pretty cool! I like your photo examples, Linda! Sorry to hear about the grass ; )

  17. You created some neat history by having all those "before" photos! It was really neat how you matched them with "today".

    Love expressive George leaning on his brother on PW's site. Good luck!
