
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Sunday afternoon in the barn with George

It was Sunday afternoon. It was windy. What a surprise. The boys and Lucy were hunkered down in the barn. I went outside with my camera to capture the inertia.

Lucy was in la-la land, Hank was holding up the post, George was contemplating his navel, and Alan was staring into his feed tub wishing a flake of hay would magically appear.

Hank walked over to the feed tub, just in case Alan's wish came true.

Hank: I could be mistaken, but I think this tub is squeaking.

Me: Stand back, everybody. Let me check this out.

Me: Aw, geez. Eighty bazillion acres of ranchland and you have to nurse your babies right here??

Alan: George, wake up. You've got to see this.

Mama Mouse: A little privacy, please?

Alan: George, wake up! You really have to see this! The whole family unit is running north. 
Well, except for the lone ranger. He's going south.

Alan: That's gotta hurt. Those babies are still attached.

Me: I'm warning you...Stay away from the house or Smooch will try to eat you for supper.

George: It's not like you haven't seen mice before, all of you! You're a bunch of drama queens.
Now shut up and let me get some rest.


  1. Now I'm worried about the Lone Ranger. Did he find his way back to Ma's Saloon?

  2. Yeah, I'm worried about him, too!

  3. Love the new look - open and bright and bigger photos!

  4. New header! Looks nice. I'm w/June.. did he find Mama?

  5. ACK and EEEKKKK....freeloading rodents, wheres the broom ;-)

  6. We have had a mouse building a nest in our grill every day. Hubby cleans it out every day and by nightfall it's been rebuilt again. Late May and early June must be mouse child birth month. First mice we have seen since purchasing this house in late 2007. Usually the snakes get them.


  7. Estella from Co.6/1/11, 7:32 AM

    It's always nice for a change every once in a while. Will take a little bit to get use to the brightness.....but that won't keep me from showing up everyday to see what's going on around 7MSN. Have a lovely day and LOVE the new additions....the girls are gorgeous.

  8. Great bit of drama on a quiet Sunday afternoon- at least for the mice; George- not so much!

  9. Yikes think you need more barn cats!
    This kind of freaked me out because I've been researching Hanta Virus Ugh! Be safe and I have a new litter of adorable kittens if you need some help :)

  10. Now see...two in a row...first the chickens and now mice. Wow, I'm with all good broom whelding woman everywhere...shoo, go away, Smooch attack.

  11. We let our chickens have a mouse fest over the weekend because we were tired of the mice living in the coop. I was cheering the hens and they devoured at least 20 mice. Like Oprah, "You get a mouse, you get a mouse, everyone gets a mouse!" They had a great time and I was happy to be rid of more rodents.

  12. Oh my gawd. You know how I love those little packrats!

    BTW...have you changed your hair or something? New glasses....? There's something different and I can't quite put my finger on it...

  13. I'm visualizing the mom scooting along with the babies attached. Ouch!

  14. Look at the ears on those rodents! Huge!

  15. Oh goodness...Bella Jo woulda had 'um all chomped before I could get a single photo taken!

  16. Ok, great shots of the mice and all...but what really stuck out to me (literally, ha ha) is George's BELLY!! What an awesome picture! I just want to sit down next to him and give that big ol' thing a scratch!
    That poor mouse mama - not very clever was she?

  17. Oh, and don't think it escaped me for a second how quickly, easily and successfully swapped blog formats. You are a star! :-)

  18. Wait. Did I proof-read that second before I clicked "post"? Were words missing? Did I use the word "singled" inappropriately again? :-)
    What I meant to say was...
    Don't think it escaped me for a second just how quickly, easily and successfully you swapped blog formats. You are a star!

    If this is what I wrote in the first comment, hurray for me. If not, please replace that one with this one.

  19. Those are so cute! I hope they find a safe place to be. Under the feeder is not necessarily safe, lol! Toooo cute though!

  20. Your blog production here is outstanding! This is kinda off subject - we made your "Frosty Paws"! Taste great (yep, the humans get the lion's share)& helps with the heat. Thanks for sharing & Happy Trails!

  21. Love that last pic. There's something so sweet about the bottom of equine feet when they're sacked out like that. Maybe it's just me.

  22. Carol in Colo6/1/11, 6:55 PM

    I love George's belly. Makes me want to lay down with him and use his belly as a pillow. LOL

  23. okay.... change is hard for me.... so you're rocking my world a bit :)

    but for today's post: awwwwwww! I know mice are a nuisance....but I think they are just soooooo cute; hope the other one found its way back.....

  24. This is bright! I know the mice are cute...but...I'd be unleashing the cats on them. Love George's belly shot! :)
