
Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Morning at the Movies ~ Watermelon Time

Ever since word got out that their cousins over at Morning Bray Farm get to eat watermelon, everybody here has been begging to try some. Except me. I hate watermelon. The texture sends shivers up my spine. But I cowgirled up and tossed one in my shopping cart on Saturday. Best $3.88 I ever spent.


  1. I guess growing watermelons would not be an option for you, would it? If you had the water for them, they might not survive to "fruithood..."

  2. awwwww!!! what a great way to start my monday :-)
    I like to put a little salt on mine mmmmmmm

  3. Priceless!! A summer pleaser. Thx Linda.

  4. OMG, that was fantastic! I'd say it was the best $3.88 you spent too! I sure enjoyed the video!

  5. That was hilarious! I loved how they ate even the watermelon peel. And as usual, the music background was perfect.

    Another academy award winner for sure!

  6. i wish i was one of your "children" and yes a little salt please :)

  7. I'm with you. Not a watermelon fan and would have had to find some critters to feed one to. Looks like everyone at the ranch thoroughly enjoyed it though... what a fine summertime treat!

  8. My dogs love watermelon as well (didn't see Smooch gobbling up a piece). We have a couple of watermelon parties every summer to cover all the birthdays.

  9. Estella of Co.6/13/11, 6:47 AM

    They all seem to like the watermelon AND THE DROOL, I like, a true sign of enjoyment and satisfaction. The tune was right on. Have a good day.

  10. FANTASTIC!! Thank you so much for sharing the video.

    I totally agree that watermelon creeps me out as well, but it was definitely worth it!!

  11. I'm with you...I can't stand the texture of watermelon! As a kid, I always gave my watermelon to my grammy's chickens. They loved it!
    Looks like most of your critters enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed your video! :)

  12. That is so cool and drippy and wonderful. Thanks for another fun video. The Olde Bagg

  13. Such fun! I love the slobbering.
    Did the chicken girls get any? My chickens love watermelon.

  14. Carol in Colo6/13/11, 8:49 AM

    Thanks for the morning laugh. The gang sure enjoyed the watermelon. And I enjoy watching the drool. Going to have to suggest it to my daughter for her gang. I know her gang loves squash and of course, the pigs eat just about anything.

  15. I love watermelon, and after seeing this I'm going to have to see if the Diamond Lazy H herd loves it too.
    I think Lucy could take lessons from Miss Wynonna on being ladylike!

  16. I've been loving the watermelon this season. Yummmy.....

  17. LOL Looks like YOU will be going to the store for some more watermelon!! YOU better be careful, I just watched Dr. Oz and he says watermelon makes YOU horny!!hehe Thanks for the SWEET movie!!

  18. I love it!! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Best video ever and I loved the captions. George sure wasn't shy about getting his share. Watermelons were over $12 at the store yesterday so I doubt that my crew will be feasting on it anytime soon.

  20. They love it! I'm going to try that here.
    Great video :)

  21. Grab a pack of seeds and toss them in a well decomposed pile of poop. Add water and sun. Soon you will have melons to feed your babies.

  22. Oh that was wonderful! I never thought to give watermelon to my horses... sorry guys!
    Another thing they love, corn husks! I guess watermelon will be on your shopping list pretty regular for the summer. Thanks for the laughs.

  23. Love it! Great song too. Definitely need it chilled next time though.

  24. Oh, no - now I'm craving watermelon! Love it. I'm glad you mentioned that no fingers were hurt - I fed cut up watermelon and other good stuff to 550 pound Tank, an Aldabra tortoise, when I volunteered at a family-run zoo in Catoctin, MD. Tank was pretty easy to deal with, but when he saw "red" he was so eager to get that melon goodness that he also bit into my finger. Youch!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  25. I can't believe there are watermelon haters! I would have a hard time sharing my watermelon with anybody!

  26. Hi Linda,

    I too am having a heck of a time posting. Not sure if it’s the new website or something has been blocked on my end. I’ve tried 3 different times with no luck. But I’ll keep trying…

    Looks like I'm in the minority, but have to say I liked the old blog format better. It was "warmer" looking, much more unique in appearance, and stood out from all the other bazillion blog pages out there. It was a very personal looking ‘design’.

    And I REALLY loved the header w/ the leather and 7MSN brand. That was truly unique looking. All in all – the page was a piece of art.

    On another note - you haven't had a contest in AGES!!! Really miss them (even tho I never was able to win one)

    Keep up the good work, and GREAT pictures!
    Donkey's like watermelon? Hmm... I'll have to try it on my hores.


  27. I don't particularly care for watermelon myself. But, I may have to cave in - the boys may have watched this video over my shoulder!

  28. The Watermelon Riots! I wonder if, like me, they crave it because it's so high in potassium - which we all need in this dry climate.

    We used to have a cat who would beg for our cantaloupe rinds - she'd eat them from one corner down to the middle. No telling with these crazy animals...

    Christina / SVG

  29. love the video but I'm cracking up about the watermelon dislike! never knew anyone not like watermelon! and never thought about watermelon being a "bad" or "odd" texture; yogurt, cottage cheese, oysters....those have odd textures but never thought about watermelon. being a pediatric PT we are around lots of folks with texture issues and the OT's who work with those texture issues are the worst! well good on you for giving your kids something that gives you the heebie jeebies!

    and btw.... I like this comment format WAY better than the one just before....

  30. We loved it! What a feeding frenzy. :) BTW, we discovered that watermelon is the one treat that Momma goes crazy for. :)

    Did George like it the most? I cracked up when he was standing in the tub. Then again, Hank did have that look in his eyes...

  31. Love it!! Lots of drooling and pink tongues! :) Great video! Thanks!

  32. i had to stop the video as soon as wynonna started munching her seedless watermelon.

    it's my favorite food and over here in germany it's really hard to find a seedless one.

    i recently found one and paid 8 euros for it (over 10 bucks) and it was only the size of a bowling ball. *sigh*
