
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Those wascally wabbits

One doesn't have to look far to see rabbits at the 7MSN. They're everywhere, 
and they're ... well, they're multiplying like rabbits.

If Smooch had her way, we would eat rabbit for dinner every night.

Clara: Hey, Peach. Did you invite this guy over for supper?
He's eating all our grass.

Peach: I've been known to eat anything smaller than me, 
so you'd better hop on out of my garden if you know what's good for you.

Clara: This is not a cafeteria! Get lost! All of you!

Bunny: I hear they're serving geraniums at the neighbor's place. Want to go over there?

Smooch: I could solve this population explosion if you'd just give me a chance.


  1. Oh, those rabbits must be courageous when they come so close to peach, known as chicken, who makes short work of intruders...

    On last photo, where Smooch is looking for the rabbits, I see a little pink pig sitting in front of the stones. Have you got a new member on 7MSN?

  2. Wow you could have done a Disney movie. Great pictures.

  3. Smooch, the girls (Enzi, Kassie, Kike and Suni) agree with you 110%.

  4. Once again you have captured the moments in such clarity and humor. I really enjoy your pictures and writing. I noticed an absence of Lorena in pictures, I searched archives and last mention was during Christmas. Has she "flown the coop"?

  5. Come on mom, let Smooch have a bunny. :)

    Have I missed a post? I haven't seen any chicken posts with Lori Darlin' in them. Did something happen to her?

  6. Has Smooch ever actually caught a rabbit? Our Chula tries her best, but they are always able to zig when she zags.

  7. ACK!! those darn freeloaders...go get'em smooch! ;-)

  8. With the intensity, which is Smooch, oozing out of that last picture, I have no doubt she would and could!

  9. The photo of Peach and the rabbit cracked. Me. Up.

  10. Estella from Co.5/3/11, 7:35 AM

    JUST LOVE the pictures this cute. Rabbits are good eating you know, but that was years ago, couldn't eat one that I knew that's for sure. Have a lovely day. :)

  11. At first I thought those were baby bunnies, but then I realized they are adults, right? Must be a desert thing as our bunnies are bigger here in Kansas. They are so cute. Peach really does look like she might have eaten that bunny. Wascally Peach.

  12. We had a bunny explosion that ended last year when we did a remodel and removed the old front deck. We have only one baby this year and the chickens are fine sharing their food (much to my dismay....go away, ground squirrels!) Maybe Smooch needs a stuffed bunny to ease her anxiety.

  13. Moritz Help Desk and CeeCee, Lorena left us late in December - healthy one minute, gone the next. Such is the way of chickens.

    Leah, Smooch has caught several rabbits, including the Easter Bunny, bringing it back to the guests on the front porch to devour. So not pretty.

    Window on the Prairie, these bunnies are young adults. We have two varieties here, the cottontails and the jackrabbits (which are the size of Volkswagons).

  14. Again, great pictures!! Love the bunnies and chickens together!

  15. Bunnies are the same everywhere it seems. I live in suburbia outside of Washington, DC, and we have the same profusion of bunnies this time of year. They are darting every which way as I drive through the neighborhood. Even my short-legged corgis get lucky every now and again :-)

    Can't believe that one bunny let the chicken get so close!

  16. A sure sign of blessing, indeed. *smile*

  17. I may have missed it but what happened to the third chicken?

  18. Obviously, you've never seen the Shock Theater/Sunrise theater classic, "Night of the Lepus"! Set, coincidentally, in the DESERT! It started just like this-- a few innocent little bunnies here & there-- I'd let Smooch get down to business if I were you!

  19. Oooooo...scary little lepuses (lepi?)! Are your chickens afraid of anything? I do believe the word "chicken" is misused when meant to mean a frightened person - your chicks aren't scared!

    Nancy in Iowa

  20. So cute! You definitely have a little petting farm going on there - like it or not! Your place is so awesome, they just invite themselves...

  21. We have only jack rabbits, who seem to a robust... Er, fertility rate as well.

    Those little ones look so harmless, but then again , I don't garden...

  22. Well, it seems your cottontails have decided to be pets! I have not had many cottontails the last couple of years, but have plenty of jackrabbits!

  23. You have "tubby doves"! Our native doves in California are much smaller. About 3 years ago I started getting these big fellas at my feeder. They're dove-colored, but pigeon-sized. I've been told they're an English breed. I like them fine, but they are intrusive. The wild doves wouldn't be seen in my chickens' yard.

  24. Love your young cottontails! But, they aren't good for gardens and flowers.......My yard is filled with various birds, but the white-winged and mourning doves are very plentiful. It's funny to watch up to 3 fat doves balance on my small round feeder, with one or two perched on the shepherd hook holder. I saw one on a small perch of the tube feeder yesterday :) Wish I was as good as you with the camera.
