
Friday, May 20, 2011

Lucy gets promoted to Assistant Sanitation Engineer

Me: Lucy, my dear, we need to work on your comin' along with our new comealong hitch, so come along and help me scoop poop. 
If we do this every day, I'll bet that pretty soon we won't even need the hitch and you'll come along just because you want to. 
(And because I'll reward you with a treat every other pile or two.)

Lucy: Do those two have to follow us everywhere we go? 

Me: Um...yeah.

George: Don't miss that pile over there.

Alan: Yeah, clean it up, girls. That fresh stuff really attracts the flies.

Lucy: Slap them as they go by, would you, please?

Lucy: Oh for the love of all things holy, Hank, we've got enough to do here!

Me: Lucy, I am so stinkin' proud of you. I barely need to lift this rope and you come right along.

Lucy: Can we not afford to buy you a new pair of gloves?

Me: Scooping poop can be such a lonely, thankless job. 
It sure is nice of you to come along and keep me company, Lucy.

Lucy: My contract says I get a lunch break now.


  1. You work HARD every day cleaning up after those equines!
    After you get Lucy trained to follow, maybe you could train her to pull the poopwagon?

  2. I had never realized exactly how expressive donkey ears really were..Lucy and the boys have changed all that!

  3. Must get very crowded with everyone offering their advise. How do you manage to swing the pooper scooper?

  4. Those mule's act more like dogs ;-) It is always nice to have company along for those icky chores eh!

  5. Heheheheheh~~~ How cute! I LOVE LUCY!!

  6. Wish I had some of that stuff to put on my garden!
    Best always, Sandra

  7. Oh Carson - I just love your commentaries... so funny. Have a good weekend.

  8. Ah, now we see the under workings of a ranch and it ain't pretty! (I thought that stuff just evaporated)

  9. Love the commentary! Lucy's expressions sure validate it! LOL

  10. Great post! Thanks for the morning laugh. Have a great weekend!

  11. Crackin' up AGAIN LOL jeanne from SC

  12. Oh my. How humiliating to be tied to the back end of a honey wagon. Yeesh. Don't let the gang back home get wind of this.

  13. Love your story telling with the pics! Have a great weekend!

  14. just was wondering what the right side of the come along looks like is it only looped over her nose after it goes back behind her ears? I love your blog BTW. My very first "horse" was "Benny the Burro" when I was 5. he was the love of my live and now even after 50 years there still has been none other to match

  15. Lucy has it all figured out! She supervises, you do the work- smart donkey!

  16. This gave me a good chuckle! A woman's work is never done, huh? I agree with Miss do need a new pair of work gloves!

  17. Hmmm, love the comealong. Might sweet Lucy demo it for us, i.e how to "build" it?

  18. Looks like great help. Hope you don't make the same mistake I did. Tied my horse to a trailer in the yard. She spooked and that trailer chased her all over the yard. We had a trust issue for a while after that but she finally forgave me.

  19. LOLing here - oh, my! I think Hank dropped a load on purpose when he saw your camera....

    Nancy in Iowa

  20. I'm pretty impressed with your multitasking - scooping poop, donkey wrangling, wheel barrow moving, and photography!

  21. Oh, come on, Hank... clean up your act, would ya!


  22. Lucy looks unimpressed.

  23. I'm laughing so hard I almost spit out my coffee! I've got to teach Siete to help me like this. RIght now, she's the "inspector", standing over me to make sure I get every last little nugget. And Silk likes to do what Hank did. Got to keep their territory firmly marked, y'know.
