
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dust in the wind

Me: Quick, Hank! Catch my cap before it leaves the state!

It's been a little windy here of late, and not just the usual spring-in-New-Mexico kind of wind. 
This is the I-haven't-taken-Smooch-for-a-walk-in-two-days kind of wind. 
The up side of all the blowing dust is the effect it has on the light...

...especially when the sun starts to set.


  1. Those are some amazing pictures!!! WOW!!! Hope you got your hat.

  2. Dramatic and dreamy and other-worldly!

    Didja get yer hat back?

  3. Wow~ The sunset photos are gorgeous!

  4. GORGEOUS! (the sunset...not your hat!)

  5. Just can't beat a Southwestern sunset.


  6. Breath taking views! Wow - you are so blessed!

  7. WOW from me also. Just beautiful!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous. The sunset is pretty nice too. ;)

  9. Carson, we had some of the worst winds I've seen in 35 years here just a couple of days ago. Lots of palo verdes blew over by the library. Fortunately we trimmed our trees last fall or I'm sure we would have lost some large limbs! Take care!

  10. The sunset pictures are fabulous! Wow!

  11. Beautiful shots.
    I hear ya about the wind. It sounds like we live on the ocean at our house---the wind hits the house in "waves" and reminds me of the North Shore on Oahu in the winter.

  12. AMAZING, Carson. Beau-tee-full. :) Whoa.

  13. I think there's a lot of smoke from wildfires in the air too. That always contributes to those gorgeous orange sunsets.

    Absolutely beautiful!!

    I love your hat in the first photo. I couldn't figure out what it was at first.

  14. The sunset pics are great! I remember sunsets like that in WV after Mt. St. Helen's blew. All the ash in the upper atmosphere...

  15. All that dust sure helps make some mighty fine photos! The winds here have been a pain...wildfires have already started popping up. :(

  16. Great sunset photos! We'll be making a quick NM trip soon. We'll wave in your direction as we go by. All the best!

  17. Estella from Co.5/11/11, 8:24 AM

    Just beautiful...I don't know about you, BUT I'll take the wind over the flooding back East, those poor people. Have a good day and hang on to your cap....I understand duct tape works wonders.....:)

  18. This wind is ridiculous. For 3 weeks now, every time I want to do something, just be prepared for dust devils and nearly being swept off your feet. Never had this much wind here!

  19. Absolutely beautiful sunset photos!! Hope you found your hat!

  20. I don't like the wind. It gives me earaches. I don't much like rain either. And, I'm not a big fan of snow.

    Hmmm....I might be high maintenance...

  21. Beautiful orange sky, even if it does come with howling winds.

  22. Someone has to get la Nina outta here. This weather is so weird.

    Still, those are dramatic paintings in the sky. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Windy weather gives me sinus headaches but it might be worth it to see one of those sunsets in person. Your photos are breathtaking. Good shot of the flying hat, also. Did Hank make the catch?

  24. Hey, Linda - Chester called down to me from the barn this morning. They found your hat.

    (That first pic will have me chuckling for the rest of the day - great shot!!)

  25. Being out there alone...You have more guts than I ever could hope to have.

  26. She's not alone! She has Smooch and Lucy and Wynona and Alan and Hank and . . . umm . . . I'm not remembering right now, but he shouldn't take it personally. It's just one of those moments . . . Sigh.

  27. Hank might not be much as a catcher but he sure is a handsome guy! Great sunset shots.

  28. Gorgeous photos! Can't believe you captured the cap flying through the air!

  29. I stop by every day. And you haven/t posted for a couple of days.
    Not Carson-like.

    Hope all is well with all of you

  30. Wow, what breathtaking pictures of the sundown!

  31. Carol in Colo5/15/11, 8:17 PM

    Linda, I hope you and Lucy had a grand time this weekend> Can't wait to hear about the adventures.
