
Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Morning at the Movies ~ Sunrise service at the 7MSN


  1. Beautiful, majestic and peaceful, all at once.
    Psalm 121 comes to mind.

  2. Beautiful hay, Linda - your guys and gals must enjoy mealtime :)

  3. What a beautiful and peaceful place to start your day. One could get lost it that awesome scenery. Good thing your critters provide you with daily “responsibilities” to keep you focused on the important tasks at hand. Thanks for my first smile of the day.

  4. Beautiful, reflective. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Good morning to you as well.
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. An absolutely beautiful service!

    Nancy in Iowa

  7. You live in such a beautiful part of NM. The vistas are in and of themselves a treasure and then there is what you have made in the middle of it all...your lovely home and place of love with the animals....You sure are blessed. It's a joy to read you each morning. Thanks, The Olde Bagg

  8. A loving Easter morning. Thanks for sharing.
    The last several times you've shared something about the egg ladies, you've only mentioned Clara and Peach. Did I miss that has something happened to Lorena? Or is she just a belle who doesn't appreciate being in the focus of your camera?

  9. Lovely pic!
    But did I miss something... are there only two chickens now?


  10. Lovely. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your peace and quiet.

    (Wynona eats dog biscuits??)

  11. Wonderful! I love all the sounds of the morning. Great idea-

  12. How lovely! Thank you. Would you mind sharing the name of the music you played?

  13. Is that the barn building scene music from Witness?

    Beautiful video.

  14. Beautiful - thanks for sharing your morning!

  15. This is the true meaning of worshipping in the house of the lord.

  16. Well done, Carson. It's home on the range. Thanks for the visit.
    Best always, Sandra

  17. Now this is my kind of church service. Brought me to tears. I know, I'm such a dweeb. I do love how the music reached a crescendo when Wynonna received her cookie. I'm sure she felt the same way about the event.

    Big squishy hugs for everyone!

  18. Excellent! Loved the pig biscuit part!!!

  19. EvenSong and Anonymous, Lorena died back in December - healthy one minute, gone the next. Darn chickens.

    Cathy R, Wynonna gets two small MilkBones a day, one after breakfast and one after dinner. And heaven help me if I forget.

    Jean, the music is from the movie "Witness," the barn building scene, aka Aaron Copland's Appalachain Spring VII. Doppio Movimento: Variations on a Shaker Hymn.

    Heidi, you guessed correctly.

    Carolynn, so glad you noticed the cookie crescendo. Wish I could say I planned it that way but it was D.A.L.

  20. Big silly smile on my face, especially during Wynonna's cameo. You have a beautiful life, and I love that you share it with us.

  21. Love the landscape and all the animals and sounds. What a nice video!

  22. What a beautiful place you have! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Love the barnswallows. We have those in our barn too.

  24. found this while on the ACTHA site
    You are inspiring. Love the audition pictures and the story of 7MSN
    Hooves and Hounds Rescue and Rehab
    3Y ranch-Texas

  25. You had me laughing with the 'maybe this will shut you up' comment. LOL!

    Maybe you should start a renting out a room by the night. You could make a little extra money, get help on the farm, and share that gorgeous view!!! Of course the serenity of being alone is probably quite nice. No one to stir the pot.

  26. What a lovely post. A good reminder to love what you have!

  27. What a beautiful, peaceful Easter morning. Just the way it should be. Complete with dog Milkbones.....for a pig! My dog won't let me forget either.

  28. Estella from Co.4/25/11, 7:57 PM

    Back from Denver...missed seeing you for a few days. WHAT a lovely way to start your day. (loved the sure do know how to pick them).

  29. Beautiful! That is my kind of service!

  30. Dogpackmomma4/30/11, 4:42 PM

    Aaahhhhh, life is good... Thanks for sharing & Happy Trails!
