
Tuesday, April 26, 2011's not just a weather event

Me: Lucy, what's going on over there?
Lucy: Nothing.
Me: Nothing, my ass...

I walked over to the fence to see what the feature attraction might be.

There was Smooch, digging another hole in the backyard in search of who knows what.
But she didn't find whatever she was digging for, and all her pent-up energy had to go somewhere...

...and thus began another microburst.

Lucy: Where'd she go? She was just here a second ago.

'Round and 'round and 'round Smooch goes...

...when she'll stop, nobody knows.

Smooch: Whoa...getting a little dizzy here. Better go the other way for awhile.

Lucy: That dog needs to get a life.

Lucy: Wake me up when she's done.


  1. GREAT pictures, and I really got a laugh over Smooch's 'microburst'. I like the picture where we can see you straddling the fence!

    Wally has microbursts too. No digging, thank goodness, but suddenly he'll take off, running as fast as he can, here/there. These will last a minute or two and then he stops, flops down, and acts like nothing happened.

  2. I love Smooch..she's a trip!

  3. I've got Corgis and in our breed a microburst (great name for it!) is called a FRAP or Frantic Random Acts of Play. My guys have actual tracks cut into the beds in my backyard where they bank left then right as they make their figure-eights around the yard.

  4. Oh my gosh that brings back memories of my little Bossman. He would do the same thing... It looks like one of the holes is at the fence. Is Smooch trying to get w/the herd?

  5. Love it! I could just see her and HazelNut about a tornado!! I love Smooch and her antics!

  6. Hey, I know I've been AWOL for a long time and I'm afraid to ask....but I haven't seen Deets for a long time. Is he OK?

  7. Michelle, Deets went missing at the end of last July...never to return.

  8. Oh my gosh, Carson. I am so sorry. I was afraid something had happened but trying to search through nearly a year's worth of posts was proving fruitless. Sorry to bring it up again for you. =(

  9. My border collies do high speed outruns at chore time; Sammi is just a blur!
    I think Alan makes a good pillow for Lucy.

  10. Smooch cracks me up! Gotta love a girl who's fast on her feet. I'm lovin the first photo where Alan has a hold of George's hind leg...but the last one of Lucy is just so darn precious! :)

  11. I love it! I feel like I'm right there, in the middle of all the action. What a bunch of characters you have there. So happy to see Lucy is feeling completely at home with her new herd, too.

  12. Looks like Alan is the pillow for everyone now. Glad to see Lucy taking her turn.

  13. Wow! That girl wore me out! I also love the picture of Lucy so comfy on Alan's back.

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. There must have been something in the air this morning! One of my dogs did the same thing while I was trying to get ready for work. The others just looked at her like she was freaking out! Lucy looks so sweet with her head laying on Alan's back, very relaxed!

  15. Is it really called FRAP? wow, my two cats do this sometimes, long periods of sleep followed by occasional FRAPS. Well, what do you know.

  16. That's one of the things I love about dogs... that sometimes they run just because it's AWESOME. :D

  17. SO glad to see Lucy hanging with the burrito brothers - Alan's back is just the right height for her!!

    How nice of Smooch to dig such big holes - do you have some shrubbery to put there so all her effort doesn't go to waste?

  18. At our house we call that "butt-tucking"!

  19. A girl has to stay in shape to keep those donkeys in line! Go Smooch!

  20. We have a potbellied pig who did that when he was young. We said he was having a spazz attack.

  21. Like Taryn, I am of the Corgi persuation...and our guys do the Frap-ing thing. Hmm, cattle dogs do it too and it gets most interesting when it's done IN THE HOUSE!
