
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lucy learns her lesson

George: Lucy! What in the heck are you doing? There's a time and a place 
for everything, and this isn't either. Take your dirt bath somewhere else!

George: Enough already! I can't open my eyes. 
And if you think I hate getting sand in my face, you don't want to know how mad Hank will be.

 Alan: George, would you just chill? So she's kicking up some dust. Get over it.

George: Oh, dear. This is gonna get ugly. Hank is mad...very, very mad.

George: You are in BIG trouble now, Lucy. 
If Hank says "jump," you'd better say "how high?"

Lucy: How high? How high? I'm sorry, Hank! I'll never kick sand in your face again!

Hank: I will not tolerate rude behavior!

Hank: It's tough being the herd boss, but somebody's got to do it.


  1. I guess Hank is the herb boss ... he sure made everyone clear out in a hurry!

  2. Oh my goodness--I loved this early morning story!! I so needed that pick me up!! Good job Hank for keeping the situation under control!!~~Rain

  3. This wonderful photo story makes me smile! What a herd!

  4. The herd dynamics are fascinating to watch!
    (and Oh still my heart. He's stunning)

  5. Good thing you've got Hank out there to keep order. Chaos would clearly reign without him.

  6. I love this herd behavior story.
    Animal communication (enhanced by your captions) is so interesting.

  7. I'm so happy to see Hank is still in charge. Cute post! Don't you just love herd dynamics? I could watch it all day...fascinating and fun.

  8. I love it! I love how we can tell what they're thinking!!! :)

  9. You can see Hank's displeasure in just the bit of his face that shows in the first photo. He has that funny twist of his head that says, "I'm not sure what's going on over there, but I'm not happy."

  10. Again, you brought a smile to mey face.

  11. I'm sure Lucy's wishing that everyone could be as laid back as Alan. :D

    Loved the captions. :)

  12. Just imagine the chaos at your place without Hank keeping those donkey's under control! :)

  13. Way to go Hank! Keep those donks in line!

  14. Sticking out my tongue for beautiful Lyle - I always loved his parti-colored eyelashes.

  15. Love the Woodrow F. Call reference. Love it.

  16. Animal expressions and herd dynamics are so amazing, aren't they. I loved how Alan kept so cool and unfazed by the dusting, but then he was the first to high-tail it out of there when Hank took charge. Lucy was quick on her feet also!

  17. I am always impressed with how handsome Hank is! He must have been one smart ride in his day.

  18. too funny.... I wish my simple presence weilded that much power.... maybe someday
