
Thursday, April 7, 2011

George recycles the fence post

Way off in the far corner of the front 40 stands one lonely fence post from bygone days. I've been meaning to yank it out for years but have never gotten around to it. Last night, George found multiple practical uses for it, so I guess we're keeping it.

George: Smells pretty good.

George: Tasty, too.

George: And it's just the right height for a good face rub.

George: Nothin' doin', Lucy. I saw it first. Mine mine mine mine mine.

George stood in the same spot and scratched, and Hank stood in the same spot and grazed. 
And I stood in the same spot and took pictures for a double rollover.
Roll your mouse between the margin and the image for the full effect.


  1. That scratching can be some really good stuff when done properly.


  2. That's a particularly fun rollover because the motion is more extreme than for instance water drinking. They're like little kids with a wooden spoon and a box. Endless opportunity.

  3. Congratulations, Carson. The photo you submitted on PW's blog was spectacular. I see such a wonderful improvement in your photography since your blog started. Wow! Your photos need to turn into wall posters.
    Good for you!
    Best always, Sandra

  4. aahhhhh,,,,nothing liking scratching an annoying itch....

  5. Looks like you'll have to leave the post there. You can't pull up a perfectly good snack/scratching post. :)

  6. Wonderful rollover!Nice new header too.

  7. George knows a good scratching post when he finds one! I've been out of town for a couple of days and I'm enjoying catching up. Thanks for all the great pic's.

  8. I'm surprised Lucy didn't take the post from George. I guess she figured it wasn't worth upsetting the the little squirt for it.

  9. It's the simplest things in life that provide the most satisfaction and enjoyment, I've found.

  10. COOL!!and CUTE!!! Love the pics and the story!!! nOW off to cleaning but I'll be laughing out loud remembering this!

  11. George, I bet that feels so good. Good thing your critters are easy going. That post looks like a perfect height for an accident, but like you said it has been there for quite a while.

  12. Lovin the rollover feature! George sure seems like he's making the most out of that fencepost. I couldn't leave that in here though. I have one horse that always manages to either end up with open wounds or impaling himself on anything remotely sharp. :(

  13. You and your pets entertain me so much. I'd love to just walk with you one day.

    That last photo was too fun ...

  14. It's a scratching post and George took it seriously :-)

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  15. Yeah,I had to come back to say it might be a danger and needs to be removed too! It might break or gorge an eye, UG! I don't want to think about those sweeties hurting theirselves!

  16. Sorry to be a NAG,he he My daughter says I am one big worry wart!!!

  17. Remember when we were sitting at that restaurant in Albuquerque eating those magnificent burgers and amazing fries? (my mouth is watering...) And remember when we were playing with my new phone to see what web and blog pages looked like on it? Well...I figured out this morning what an iPhone *can't* do: roll-overs!
    That's ok, I will always prefer looking at your beautiful pics on my bigger laptop screen! :-)

  18. Awwwwww!! George is very creative! Your rollover is amazing - thanks as always for sharing your life.

    Nancy in Iowa

  19. That post must be pretty well drilled into the ground! Certainly doesn't seem worth pulling out!

  20. okay.... I love Lucy and everything... but I'm glad George stood his ground on this one :)

  21. That last shot is priceless!
