Tuesday, April 12, 2011

George and Alan plead their case

George: Mom, don't you think it's about time you bought us a new Jolly Ball?

Alan: Please? We're giving you our most pathetic looks here. Work with us.

George: Imagine how much nicer your pictures would look if we had a shiny new ball to play with.
Me: But a new ball – one that you had yet to break and deflate – would be much harder to pick up.

George: Hrrmph. She's got a point.


  1. As usual, a good laugh over the boys expressions and your quotes. What a great way to start a day!

  2. I think George and Allan keep the crown of cutest asses in the world for another year. That last shot...lol... they are so joined at the hip!

  3. Carson, I don't like to be up this early, but you made it worthwhile! This conversation is fabulous. Those boys look so earnest in their plea...

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Oh, those George camel-lips crack me up!

  5. George's expression in the last shot is perfect!

  6. These are all such great photos of the boys, but I love love LOVE the last one.

  7. aawwww!!! those poor boys......;-)

  8. Cutest asses around! Love the story line...

  9. Pretty pathetic! Such an expressive pair.

  10. That last picture just slays me! Look at those lips. I'd want to pull on them and kiss them. :)

  11. Estella from Co.4/12/11, 7:32 AM

    Another day and another smile to start my day...thank you. Hugs and kisses to the kids.

  12. The last shot is hysterical! And perfectly captioned, as usual.

    Does Lucy play with toys?

  13. Oh those poor pitiful boys! Trying to make you feel guilty about needin a new jolly ball, eh? :) Love that last expression on George's face!

  14. Those two are soooo cute!! Love the pictures!

  15. George's expression in that last shot made me *snort*. goof balls.

  16. Jenny in MN now in AZ4/12/11, 9:05 AM

    Okay, I need to buy a 8x10 pic of that last shot! How can you not smile when you see those expressions!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your family.

  17. That last photo - so expressive! and hilarious! Those boys are super cute.

  18. Love the last shot with George's upper lip hanging down..

  19. You two are too cute !!!

  20. I needed that good laugh...your boys are characters and your lines for them are hilarious !! thank you for the fun every day !! your distant friend, Jeanne in SC

  21. That last shot is sweet. Tell me, don't YOU end up having to retrieve the ball a lot when it sneaks under the fence?

  22. Oh dear. Is there a jolly ball fund?

    I vote for this photo for the 2012 calendar!

  23. Geez! the condition of that jolly ball looks quite familiar. I'm pretty sure I have at least a dozen of them around here in pretty much the same shape. Sometimes I take the time to blow them back up and they're deflated again in less than a day. I swear the horses really like them better that way.

  24. George' mouth! If only Alan had flared his nostrils.....
