
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who doesn't like a little bacon for breakfast?

This pictorial begins, as so many of mine do, with a look outside the window. Wynonna was napping on her side of the fence, and George and Alan were doing who-knows-what on the other.

Me: George...Alan...what in heaven's name are you doing?

George: Nothing!
Alan: Nothing!
Nothing, my ass. I gathered up my shoes and jacket to go outside and investigate.

Upon closer inspection, it became clear that George was doing his best to taste a little pork. 
(roll your mouse over the picture below for the full effect)


Lucy had already eaten and was not interested in the breakfast buffet.

Alan got his licks in...

then decided that pork was a little too salty for his tastes.


  1. I'm thinking they were after the hay pieces stuck to Wynona's hide. She was an inviting hay buffet.

    Loved the nostril in the fence shot.

  2. I'm surprised she put up with their nonsense. But I guess a diva's got to get her beauty sleep no matter what is going on.

  3. You make me laugh. Thanks.

  4. who the heck needs a TV when you have those boys around eh!

  5. Too funny. I'm surprised that Wynonna wasn't telling them off.

  6. I love those rollovers :) Your critters are such characters!

  7. Oh my stars...too salty for their taste....hmmmmm. That's too funny. Wynonna probably liked her burro massage. The Olde Bagg

  8. Thanks for the much-needed laugh. No sooner did I step off the plane in az last night the I got my husbands frantic text that my old horse is down. My best pal for 21 years (he's 28) just spent a year recovering from blowing our a tendon in the barn (who DOES that?) And I'm here to care for my sis the next 2 weeks and can't go back. I hope its just an abcess, which if its in his good front hoof is bad enough. Hubby, though priceless, is NAHP (nor a Horse Person) please think good thoughts for my Woody. Sorry this is so far OT & thanks again for the nostril shot!

  9. LOL!! Too SWEET! and CUTE!! Thanks! for my Sunday dose of angels on Earth! GOD Bless YOU and your critters!

  10. Careful there Wynona.... you could be on tomorrow's menu!


  11. Oh dear. Poor Wynonna...Do you think she even realizes that everyone wants a piece of her or are her little piggy naps so deep, she remains blissfully unaware?

  12. Oh, wow! That rollover shot is hilarious - and spooky! I think Wynonna is dreaming she's in a sexy commercial, "I'm...too salty for your taste..."

    Nancy in Iowa

  13. Thanks for the laugh! Something tells me that Wynonna can take pretty good care of herself.

  14. That was great--too funny!!

  15. Bacon is one thing...but hairy bacon? Yuck!

  16. I just love that Wynonna slept through all of that :D Hairy bacon...eeeeew!
