
Monday, March 7, 2011

Whew...I'm glad that's out of the way

In the 19 days that Lucy has lived at the 7MSN, she has not brayed - not even once. Until Sunday. At 4:40 a.m. Estella warned me that Lucy's bray was akin to a fog horn, and that is exactly what woke me up. Alan chimed in with his bray, Smooch added her howl, and I let out one great big "ENOUGH!" and went back to sleep. I thought nothing more of it until I went outside after breakfast to take pictures.

I watched Lucy walk deliberately over to George and Alan, mouth agape and drooling. Not her best look. Lucy was in heat and her early-morning bray must have been her way of announcing said event.

George had no idea what to make of Lucy's behavior. Amen. 
There's alot to be said for gelding male equines as yearlings.

While Lucy did her best to entice George and Alan, neither of them wanted anything to do with her.
They walked off every time she came near them.


Lucy wasn't dissuaded, though, and followed them around for the next few hours,
shamelessly displaying her wanton ways at every opportunity.
George and Alan simply weren't interested.

My only reservation in bringing Lucy to the 7MSN was her gender – I didn't want to upset my well-adjusted herd of geldings. Turns out I was worried for nothing. I kept a very close eye on everybody throughout the day but all was calm and peaceful. I even took Lucy for her first long ride off the ranch and she did just fine.

She's one of a kind, my little Lucy, even if she isn't always a lady.


  1. Thankfully braying and a little naughty behaviour is all that she is doing!!! ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  2. Glad that is "behind" her. Sorry small joke (very small).
    My mare comes in every month and I always ride her. Romance is in the air usually and she is usually acts like a hussy. I even once had a buck deer following us. That was scary.
    I am so glad to hear of your rides. I love going by myself.

  3. Lucky for Lucy that the boys didn't have a clue what was going on. Donkey girls can be such teases when they are in heat, and yes not very lady like. But it's worse the other way around, at the DSC we have a 10 year old donkey that just was gelded about a year ago, just before he was brought to the DSC and he is a holy terror still, thinking he is the stud muffin of the farm, mounting anything that comes his way, it's hard to unlearn that if you have done that for so long.
    Hooray for George and Alan. Good boys.

  4. That's great news! Total peace in the pasture... who could ask for anything more? :)

  5. LOL at George and Alan walking away! So glad everyone is getting along and that Lucy is as wonderful as you expected her to be.

    And wrt her being a lady - she IS being a lady in the equine sense of the word! She's doing exactly what equine ladies all over the world do. I have come to enjoy Salina's change of temperament during her cycles. I love seeing the geldings' confusion when she goes from boss mare to flirting maiden. LOL.

  6. "Not her best look," lol. Glad you weren't around with your camera during my hormonal years!

  7. Poor, sweet hussy. :)
    I'm glad it all worked out for the best.
    I've very surprised, in her state, that she let you take her off the ranch. She's one in a million.

  8. Well, our questions where answered, what would happen when she came into heat and what she would be like to ride while she was in heat. So, now we know...I'm sooooo proud of Miss Lucy. She sure doesn't act like a lady while in heat, BUT I can relate to that, I use to put a note on my shirt to let everybody what would happen IF THEY DARE come into MY SPACE..on that first day or so. I couldn't be happier for you and the way things have turned out.

  9. So . . . her heat passed that fast?
    I'm glad yowling and drooling was the worst of it.
    And yeah . . . definitely not her best look. But even ladies get . . . you know...

  10. All this and a heated lady to boot - makes life interesting for sure! Enjoying every aspect of the 'weaning in' period you are experiencing! What a sweet girl!

  11. This post gave me a good chuckle! My geldings are all clueless when the neighbors mares come into heat. Russell, on the other hand, brays quite a bit and insists that those girls need his services!

  12. I know how this scenario goes. Dusty is the only mare on our property and unfortunately when she's trying to get the boy's attentions they ignore her.

  13. Ah yes... I remember once, very long ago in a land fa,r far away, when I was a floozy. But only once, mind you.

    Every girl is entitled, Lucy. :-)


  14. No specific mention of Hank, but it sounds like he stayed away also!

    At least Lucy let you know (bright & early), so you could be on guard!

  15. What a funny girl...I love that gaping silly face! And the boys are so innocent and sweet. Yay for a peaceful pasture of Princess Lucy and her boys :)

  16. Love your photos of Lucy the floozy.

  17. Love the "what on earth??" look on George's face in the second photo. We do get to see some ear cam pics from the ride?

  18. I, too, love the second photo best - Lucy saying, "What are you waiting for, you big lumox?" and George just peering at her, ears forward, wondering, "What's gotten into you, Sis?"

    Nancy in Iowa

  19. Well, since I was gone for 2 weeks I had to catch up on over twenty blog posts. Now I am up to date what's been going on... surely never boring at the 7MSN ranch!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  20. I've noticed Hank has been by himself lately. Is he the odd man out now?

  21. My donkey ignorance is about to show - it seems from the comments that it's not common to "fix" the female donkeys - why is that? All I know about is cats, and they get fixed right away.

    I learn something new every time I read this blog, and it *always* makes me smile.

  22. Oh, she's a lady alright. Just need to get her a little black book and a cell phone!

  23. LOVE that second shot!! I imagine this is what a lot of men feel like their wife is like :)

  24. OMG that 2nd picture about has me in hysterics! Glad she was a good girl for your ride. I still cannot stop laughing.

  25. I love the shot of Lucy with her mouth hanging open. We have 2 mares & 2 gelding. The mares turn into hussy's with attitude & the gelding could care less. Now our old guy we lost acouple years ago, he thought it was his lifes work to keep the mares happy. I sure don't miss that...
