
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where's Lucy?

One of the biggest advantages of working from home is being able to gaze out my windows 
any time of the day to watch my little herd.

So imagine my disappointment when I gazed out my window Friday morning to see Hank, George and Alan, sheltered against the wind, with no sign of Lucy. I was crestfallen. All my hopes and dreams of successfully introducing a new member into the herd were dashed in an instant. There were the boys, napping and enjoying the warmth of the sun together, but where was my Lucy? Shunned to the outer recesses of the pasture? I couldn't bear the thought of her being isolated and alone and ignored. I had to go outside and find her and tell her she was loved and adored, her brothers' behavior be damned.

As I stomped across the pasture in search of my sweet Lucy,
all the while admonishing the boys for their rude behavior, 
something caught my eye from under the tree.

There she was, in the sweetest spot of all, out of the wind and in the collective embrace of her brothers...

...feeling secure enough to recline, knowing they would protect her from harm.


  1. Ha, she's one smart girl and has some pretty nice brothers!

  2. Lucy had the best seat in the house! Smart girl.


  3. The queen among her minions! :-p

    Of COURSE, I had to go back to the first picture and Find The Donkey Legs Under The Tree.

  4. So - apologies and carrots for the three gentlemen, no? ; )

    Such a sweet triumph - congratulations!

  5. Awww, how cute they all are. Good big brothers.

  6. Move over Wynonna, we have another princess at the 7MSN Ranch.

  7. She really is part of the family now. Made her own spot and comfortable in it. She has her guys on the wall protecting her.
    One thing I wondered about is when she comes in season. You might watch during that first time. They may all react differently.

  8. Hey girl, that just warmed my heart to see Lucy all tucked into the trees !! Our little dog buggered off for about an hour yesterday and I felt so worried and sad but wow, when she ran back into the yard I was so relieved,,,know how you feel about your dear animals !!

  9. Awwww.....that is so amazing that they are all getting along so well!

  10. ahhhh what a sweet post this morning

  11. Looks like a happy girl to me!

  12. Smart, smart girl. Looks like all is well in the Carson herd---as it should be.

  13. What a lovely post this a "Where's Waldo" (Where's Lucy) picture. She never felt at ease enough to lay down like that with my john mule I know things are very good for her with you and the boys. Have a good day..Oh! how was the ride yesterday?

  14. She has such quiet confidence which makes an awesome addition to any herd.

  15. Lucy feels at home to be able to lay down in the midst of her family.
    She is very relaxed, I thing having a great Mom helps her feel so comfortable.

  16. That brought tears to my eyes! Absolutely beautiful---thank you!

  17. Kinda like "Where's Waldo"? Very smart Lucy.

  18. sniff, sniff....happy tears!

  19. She picked the best spot and out smarted them all ;)

  20. Aww! All is right with the world!

  21. Awww-this post warmed my heart! What good brothers to protect their little Princess Sister and let her have the best spot!

  22. Oh!! A sweet Sunday message and photos!

  23. Awww, that must have made your heart leap with joy!

  24. What a wonderful thing to discover!!! Looks like the boys have accepted her.

    Nancy in Iowa

  25. Did you give into temptation and go in for a little cuddle? I would have! :D

  26. Yep...she's the queen bee, surrounded by her serfs.

  27. I guess Miss Lucy forgot to put her sunblock on that day and is relaxing in the shade. :)

  28. All's right with the world at the 7MSN

  29. About your last Twitter--Don't say that! I really, really want to believe that donkeys only bray during the daytime. That way I might one day, get a couple of my own.
    I guess that's just like folks thinking roosters only crow once a day--at dawn. NOT!

  30. awwww! look at that look of pure contentment on her face. that is sooooo sweet!

  31. Regarding you last Twitter; I just loved your audio of Wynonna. Maybe we can have one soon of the morning fog horn?

    While I'm making demands (requests) could you give us readers a tutorial on grooming donkeys? I think I read that you should NOT brush out the dust bath. Oh that would be so hard for me not to brush a dirty equine.

  32. I had to go back and look at the first photo. This is better than a 'Where's Waldo' book! I'm so impressed with how quickly Lucy has fit in with the herd. :)

  33. I SO look forward to getting up in the morning, sitting down with my coffee, and reading about Lucy (!) and the rest of you critter family and activities.
    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos also!
    Best wishes always,

  34. Now, that IS sweet. She knows her station, that one. *smile*
