
Monday, March 14, 2011

When donkey bloggers collide

Want to know what happens when three donkey bloggers (that would be Danni, Justina and me) get together in the same place for an afternoon? Laughter. And pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. Oh, and margaritas, too. But first there was riding. Herewith are some pictures that Danni took of me riding Lucy.

I'm not sure if George and Alan were in awe of Lucy or just worried that they might be saddled next –
whatever the case, they were fascinated.

Seriously? This much fun should be illegal.

George and Alan looked like they might be up for a game of tag...

so we invited them to play...

...and around and around we went.

Alan and George: You can't catch us! You can't catch us!

When the riding was done, of course we were all very thirsty.

It was such a special day that even Smooch was allowed to come to happy hour.

Hank is such a ladies man that it's downright embarassing sometimes. 
You should have heard the things he was telling Justina and Danni.
Head on over to Critter Farm and Morning Bray Farm and maybe they'll tell you what he said.


  1. What could be more fun than a day in the sunshine & fresh air, spent with good friends, animals, chit-chat and margaritas?

    Thanks for sharing the smiles!

  2. Oh, gosh! What a fun day~ And HANK! Naughty boy, wanting some refreshments!

  3. I just found your blog and I am so happy I did. The photo graphs are just so beautiful. I only got past the first few pages but look forward to reading the rest.

  4. So. much. fun!!!!!
    I *love* looking at those pics of George and Alan running around when you were riding Lucy. They were having so much fun!

  5. You're having way too much fun (that's a good thing). Love seeing you on Lucy and enjoying friends. Life is GOOD at 7MSN :)

  6. What a great time. Looks like Hank is trying to talk Justina out of her drink. He wants something different than water for a change.

  7. Great photos-thanks Danni!

  8. Look at you on Lucy! What fun! I love the photo of George an Alan "You can't catch me" it had me laughing out loud!

  9. Your boys are definitely not shy, I'll attest to that. So funny to see George & Alan's reaction to you riding Lucy. What a couple of clowns, they are.

    I know you're all having a blast. So fun!!

  10. Sure looks like it was a great day at the 7MSN! Riding Lucy with the boys running made me laugh! Hank sure knows how to schmooze, huh? :)

  11. What a fabulous day shared by all. The three blogging ladies plus the ever adorable Don are a treat. Yay for all of you. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  12. This makes me want to get out and re-create some of the fun I had when I was a kid! It's funny how life can get in the way of that sometimes..
    Thanks for being such a great inspiration!!

  13. I'd love to have a donkey. There are a few super cute ones on the current BLM internet adoption, but alas, with gas prices it's just too far and pricey :(

    Guess I'll just have to continue my donkey fix through donkey blogs!

  14. just curious, what is it that you love about riding mules as opposed to horses? It looks like a blast, and I love love love donkeys!!! Lucy is a great looking gal. Do you ever ride Hank?

  15. #4 says it all...your smile is stupendous!

  16. Just the best weekend fun ever. It looks like everybody had a great time at your place. I love the shot of the two guys running for their life.
    Thanks for sharing, Carson.
    Best always, Sandra

  17. I am having so much fun reading about this visit from everyone's point of view. Those margaritas look good, too!

  18. Hank is wondering where his drink is ;-)

  19. OK, now I'm ticked. Margaritas and I wasn't invited.

  20. It's great to see all of you laughing and smiling! You are leading the way out of darker places when things don't go the way you hoped or expecte.
    Congratulations, Linda! You deserve all the laughs you get and give!

  21. Good times for sure! So nice to see you riding Lucy, and how wonderful to have extra camera women around to document the fun!

  22. Everything was perfect.

    What an amazing and incredible three days this has been!!!

    Thank you, Carson. xoxo

  23. Sweet pictures of you on Lucy! Loved the "twin" burro brothers in 5th & 6th pics with noses out and kicking up heels. Great to see Smooch at happy hour, she looked very happy. But, Hank is being a bit forward ...... there's always one guy at happy hour like that!
