
Sunday, March 20, 2011

What a difference three weeks makes

When I think back to how much energy I wasted worrying about how Lucy and the boys would all get along, 
I just shake my head.

This is about as contentious as things get around here these days.

The herd is one big happy family now,

but the pictures were more interesting three weeks ago.


  1. I believe it goes with the territory Carson ... these animals all feel love, plus there are always comments from your visitors about the calmness at 7MSN, and they pick up on that too. It's really a win/win situation!

    I'm smiling ... I'm so glad for you!

  2. It's nice things are all settled and back to norm. Norm is good!

  3. Awww! Thlats wonderful...

    Animals are so much better at getting along. And 90%of the stuff I worry about never comes to pass.

    So I'm giving up about 30% of my worry ( some things are hardwired, ya know?).

  4. Naw,,,if I want action and contention I will watch the 6pm news (which i never watch willingly) I would MUCH rather see the "kids" all getting along and enjoying a happy hour drink with their mom and her guests ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. Life is good at the 7MSN..Bud and I are so very pleased that we passed Lucy on to someone like you Linda and your family. As I see the posts I couldn't be happier (I still miss Lucy, but I know it was meant to be),she's your donkey now. Hope your ride was a good one, mine was windy and cold. As usual give the kids hugs and kisses.

  6. Peace at 7MSN is beautiful.

    I'm always amazed at how much George and Alan play together... perhaps you can look forward to Lucy joining in on that fun. :D

    By the way, George's ears are missing in that last picture. :)

  7. Lucy clearly has the boyz under her thumb....errr..hoof!

  8. The pictures were kind of . . . scary . . . three weeks ago!
    The herd looks so happy and calm now. No doubt there will be little upsets from time to time, but now they know they're one big family for today and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and...

  9. A happy herd is a happy herd and a joy to behold.

  10. It's good to see them all getting along so well.

  11. Haaaa....Justina's last sentence made me snort! :-)

    It was amazing for me to see how settled and peaceful everyone seemed after such a short time - it's like they've always been together. Everyone has their place, their preferences, their routines and everything just... flows perfectly.

  12. I'm in an apartment in Indiana. You could snap pictures randomly and I would be entertained! I love seeing the sky, mountains, weather, what's growing and just a peek at the amazing adventure your daily life is with your wonderful friends at the 7MSN.

  13. Just one big happy family! :):)

  14. A big LIKE for all of you! George looks so small and earless in that last pic!
