
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunrise, March 31

I went to sleep Wednesday night without having prepared a post for Thursday morning, and I woke up feeling guilty.  
I know! Get over it! But as if mother nature could sense my shame, she painted the sky outside my window. I ran outside with my camera...

...and was so focused on trying to capture the beauty above me...

...I almost missed the beauty behind me.


  1. Wow, wow, wow! What a way to start your day and many thanks for sharing it with us!!!

  2. Wow! Amazing! We're having sleet and rain this a.m. sigh

  3. I'd have to say, as beautiful as that sunrise is, the view behind you is even more beautiful :)

    I've so enjoyed reading about Lucy's addition to your herd...what a character!

    Hope you enjoyed some high elevation coffee with that sunrise and those ears!
    Sue and the crew

  4. Gorgeous sky. Thanks Mother Nature, nice save. And Hi Lucy and boys. I hope the rest of your day is as wonderful as the beginning. The Olde Bagg

  5. The sunrise is beautiful but the the next photo is stunning. The lighting on Lucy's legs and face is just- I can't find the words to describe it. I see George and Alan are nuzzling each other in the background. I love our western skies.

  6. Absolutely beautiful!! I just love New Mexico skies. Thanks for great Thursday morning photos!

  7. OMG. That sunrise actually made my jaw drop. And your crew looks stunning in the beautiful glow!! What a magical place you live in.

  8. Gorgeous! Congrats on Hank's pic over at PW's too!!!

  9. Sometimes impromptu posts are the best ones.

  10. I'm evilly glad that you feel guilty enough to post so that I can enjoy my daily 7MSN fix.

  11. What a beautiful sky! But I prefer the beauty behind you too! :)

  12. AhhHHHHHH!! There it is!! The AWESOME NM sky and clouds! I was in Sante Fe back in 83 and this sight YOU have captured this morning is what I rememeber especially and why I want to come back to NM some day!!! and I would LOVE to see donkeys as SWEET as yours too!! hehe

  13. Love it... But what are George & Alan doing back there??

    I never tire of seeing these guys. They just make me smile :)
    Ann in WI (George & Alan Fan)

  14. Wow!!! That is an amazing sunrise!! AMAZING!!

  15. Can you imagine missing that sky picture? It was worth any missed sleep and love the red donkey.
    Congrats on Hank being picked on Pioneer Woman. Great picture. That is twice that I know of for you. What a honor.

  16. Aw, g'morning sweet Lucy! You look luminous bathed in pink. :-)

  17. That really is beautiful! But I had to laugh because I could see the burrito brothers goofing around behind Lucy. They are all adorable.

  18. Absolutely GORGEOUS! The sunrises/sunsets are so amazing in NM!

  19. Boy, I'm glad you didn't have a post ready!

  20. Oooh Ahhhh! Love me a pink donkey too.

  21. Ooooooh, what a breathtaking picture you got for us to's amazing how the color of the sky take effective on anything like it did with your two dear donkeys.

  22. Wow...what a stunning shot full of such color it almost doesn't seem real. And your shot on Pioneer Women was stunning. It sure pays to keep a camera close at hand.

    Thanks for your hard work. Yours in one of the first blogs I check each day. Gives my day a nice foundation.

  23. I can almost hear Lucy wondering - Does it never end with these two?

  24. Awesome - just awesome. And Lucy is enjoying it, too!

    Nancy in Iowa

  25. I've always loved the Navajo prayer which goes, in part:

    Hózhóogo naasháa doo
    Shitsijí' hózhóogo naasháa doo
    Shikéédéé hózhóogo naasháa doo
    Shideigi hózhóogo naasháa doo
    T'áá altso shinaagóó hózhóogo naasháa doo

    In beauty I walk
    With beauty before me I walk
    With beauty behind me I walk
    With beauty above me I walk
    With beauty around me I walk

    It seems fitting to the New Mexico experience, especially as seen through your eyes and camera.

  26. Like I've of the reasons I am moving to New Mexico is THE SKY!

  27. And that's Mother Nature to you!

  28. WHY are the sunrises and sunsets so spectacular where you are? They're amazing to look at, even in pictures. I can't imagine how they might be in real life, to have that expanse of colour right over your head.

    Of course, the donkey's pretty cute too :)

  29. Totally amazing view in front of you and behind! Isn't nature great? I don't get up early enough or live high enough to get views like that.

    Going to support Hank over at PW's!

  30. It was a colorful morning! You captured the light that Lucy was bathed in so well. It's these mornings and these skies that compelled me to leave the gray skies of San Diego and live in New Mexico. I think we get more than 300 days a year that look pretty much like this in the morning or evening or both!

  31. What beautiful color. These are amazing photos.
