
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snapper takes issue with my housekeeping

Snapper: You left your dish in the sink.
Me: So sue me.

Snapper: Now I've got cottage cheese on my face and I can't get it off.

Me: Maybe if you stayed out of the sink you wouldn't have this problem.

Snapper: Who's that knocking at the door?! I don't want anyone to see me like this.

Snapper: Oh. It's just Peach.

Me: No, you can't come in. Now stop asking.


  1. I bet she didn't stop asking until she was good and ready to do something else.

  2. :-) great photo-story!
    Maybe Peach will substitute the vacuum cleaner? Please let her in!

  3. The first time I saw these pictures of Snapper I thought of my childhood playing marbles (a lost art), with cats eye marbles. I really liked the cats eye marbles they looked just like Snapper's eyes but came in several colors...memories of the good kind. Snapper and Peach seem to have ganged up on you..having ONE OF THOSE DAYS, Linda???

  4. Peach looks like she needs to use the bathroom. Isn't that why chickens knock at the door. Let that girl in for heaven sakes!


  5. Oh, good grief! How cute! All your animals are just so interesting!

  6. Oh My. Well I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a cat who does as she pleases. Mine drank my milk the other day when my back was turned. She misbehaves only when we aren't looking. Typical cat.

  7. But Peach wants some cottage cheese too! Great pictures as always, Carson.

  8. peach is look pleasantly plump these days! are they girls still giving you eggs?
    Theresa in Alberta

  9. if we could master that "pissed off" look cats do so well, there would be no need for verbal arguments... the person with the sternest look wins :)

  10. That first picture of Snapper is priceless!!

  11. Haaaaa....that top photo is wonderful. And I second what Anonymous said - Peach just wants some of Snapper's cottage cheese. And it doesn't have to be in a dish - I have it on pretty good authority that she'd be happy to just take whatever's left on Snapper's cheek. (That wouldn't freak Snapper out too much, would it?) :-)

  12. Snapper, you and my tortoise shell kitten must be related. She sits on the counter when I am at the sink and then has to check out any dishes or food left in the sink. I have to be careful with the garbage disposal with her too. Peach, I think it's very rude that you were denied entry into the house-sheesh.

  13. That first picture makes me giggle uncontrollably. Thanks!

  14. Snapper is such a gorgeous fellow, even if he does look a wee bit cranky in that first shot. *smile*

  15. I understand. Your "kids" run your household----like mine run my household

  16. There's always someone looking when you don't want them ...

  17. That first photo of Snapper is priceless! I think you should let peach in the house...she can catch any little creepy-crawlers that your cats might miss. :)

  18. Great big smiles =) & a beautiful kitty! =)

  19. ROFL :-)
    And if you have a not so good day, read Linda's blog... and if you already have a good day it's about to get even better when you read her blog. Either way, a win win situation!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  20. Snapper reminds me of a cat I know. She's always sneaking into the sink to see if I've hidden something delectable there.

  21. That first picture is the best of the lot ... I laughed as soon as I saw it! You must keep a camera attached to your hand in order to catch the best shots of all your critters! Amazing pics of all of them!

  22. Oh, dear! Emma gives me that "look" if I let her litter box go a day without scooping. And she doesn't wait for me to leave a dish in the sink - no, she drinks from my water cup! I wonder if she and Snapper went to the same boarding school for uppity cats?

    Nancy in Iowa
