
Friday, March 4, 2011

Seeing is believing

The first time I witnessed this particular herd dynamic, I thought it was a fluke.

The second time, I shook my head and said well, I'll be darned.

The third time, I ran outside with my camera and said wait 'til my blog buddies see this!

See George and Alan at the water tank. See Lucy patiently waiting her turn behind them.

As I maneuvered for a better angle, Alan kept sipping, George kept swallowing, and Lucy kept waiting.

Now it's Alan's turn to swallow, George's turn to take another sip, and Saint Lucy still waits.

Let me zoom out so you can take in the whole scene. Alan and George are still swallowing,
Lucy's still waiting, Wynonna's back there taking a nap in the sun, Peach and Clara are pecking the dirt,
and I'm sitting in bird poop on top of the fence.

George and Alan do like to linger over their morning water,
so Lucy finally gives up and decides she'll just come back later.


  1. Wow, can't believe that Lucy gave up and walked away. Do you think the boys lingered just to see what her reaction would be?

    I love your March header!

  2. Well, isn't that interesting.
    The water tub is a community thing, not belonging to any of them individually. I wonder if that's what makes such a difference?

    What a peaceful scene. :-)

  3. Maybe a second water trough for Saint Lucy? She seems so sweet.

  4. Well, I'm flummoxed. Since she is top lady around there now, why is she waiting? Interesting.

  5. My conclusion? Hay is more important than water. :) (Might change come summer!)

  6. Guess she just decided she wasn't all that thirsty.


  7. An idea. Maybe show Lucy on how to drink from the tub on the other side of the fence? They all can share at the same time.

  8. I never had an equine herd but back when we had chickens I found "flock dynamics" just as interesting. I'd sit out in the chicken yard and watch them for hours, which reminds me of you, sitting up there on the poopy fence.

    Have you ever considered a donkey cam?

  9. Perhaps she was going around to the other side of the tub?

  10. velllly interesting eh!
    sorry Lucy, sometimes the guys can get held up at the watering hold ;-)
    signed Theresa in Alberta

  11. I'm glad that Lucy is fitting in so well. (well ... just had to)

  12. Maybe she already had a drink and was just watching them for a while? She might already have decided that they need her around to teach them some manners.

  13. Interesting that they chose the old water trough instead of the new solar one. Wonder why?

    Another question for the day...I see only two chickens in the pictures. Please don't tell me something happened to one of the girls?

  14. Lilla, I think the boys probably chose the old water trough because it allows them both to drink at the same time.

    And yes, much to my dismay, Lorena passed quietly and inexplicably one night in late December. She was perfectly healthy when I tucked her into her coop and I awoke to find her dead the next morning.

  15. Lucy knows patience is a virtue. It's that little give & take that happens in every well adjusted family. I don't know this, but it's what I've heard happens. *smile*

  16. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that Lorena passed. Will you be adding to your flock this year?
    We have a boy here that likes to 'lord over' the water tank. He will purposely play in the water and even pretend to drink (I can tell cause there's no signs of swallowing). When our herd boss gets tired of his shenanigans, he chases him off so the others can drink.

  17. Personally, I think Lucy was just directing her underlings to drink and she herself wasn't really thirsty yet. What other explanation could there possibly be? lol
    And I'm sorry to hear about Lorena. That just happens. Happened to one of my Rhode Island Reds, Coral, when she was just a little over a year old. Fine one moment, dead the next. I hate that.

  18. Maybe she's being a good alpha mare? She's established her place in the hierarchy and is content to let the boys drink while she's "got their backs?"

    I'm new here. I love your blog! I've been telling all my friends aobut it. :)

  19. I thought of asking about the chickens since I hadn't seen a photo in months and the cold weather you had. I'm so sorry. Thanks for sharing.

    Maybe Lucy is thinking of a prank to play on the boys at the water tank some day.......

  20. Sorry to hear about Lorena. Poor little Hen. Was she by any chance the one who fainted during the Hail Storm last summer ? Maybe she had a hidden health issue that suddenly manifested itself. At least she had a very good life, however short.

  21., I'm thinking ahead and think maybe Lucy (being a woman so to speak) didn't even want a drink but was just testing the boys to see what their "courtesy-factor" was. Hmm, did they pass because they didn't drive her away?

  22. Lady Lucy is watching the boys to see what faults they might have that she should work on, such as courtesy at the water tub! I know this isn't the last you'll see of this type of episode!!!

    Nancy (I would love to meet your donkeys) in Iowa

  23. So sorry to hear about Lorena.
    Where was Hank when everyone wanted water? I bet he was at the hay tub.

  24. Our dog used to growl and snap if our cat got anywhere near his food but would hang out and wait patiently while she took her time at the water bowl. I guess they know what belongs to them and what is community property! Glad Lucy is sharing the water and becoming a part of things!!

  25. Linda, sorry to hear about Lorena. I was hoping maybe she was just out of camera range! I'm glad to hear she went quickly. What a great life she had there at 7MSN...I am sure she is telling the other animals at The Bridge all about it!

  26. Miss Saint Lucy :-)
    This photos are really worth to sit in bird poop.
