
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A room with a view

To those real estate professionals who might be tempted to ask, 
"Excuse me, but isn't that corral awfully close to your house?", my answer is "no."

Because I can look out my office window any time of the day to make sure all is right with the world.

And when Smooch and Alan and George and Lucy decide to take a nap together... world can't get any better...

...until Hank moves in to protect us all.


  1. Now THATS what I call a room with a view eh!
    theresa in Alberta

  2. Jenny in MN now in AZ3/23/11, 6:20 AM

    Perfect view! I LOVE this. You are SO lucky!

  3. I sure agree, never too close!

  4. Sweet Hank is even taking the brunt of the wind to guard the herd. Normally he'd want to have his butt to the wind. :)

  5. Did you take a snooze, too?

  6. If I could have animals in my backyard, that's the way I would want them too...right where I can see them all the time...just like children :)

  7. Good ole Hank. He's a rock. We can look out our kitchen window to check on the calves. No, you can't be too close to the animals.

  8. Looks like heaven to me!! Beautiful-what more could a human want!!

  9. Life is good at the old 7MSN.

  10. Everything is right with the world with a view of the gang snoozing together.

  11. My kind of view too! Beautiful!!

  12. I've always wanted to have a barn with living quarters attached (or above). The CLOSER the better...have a good day.

  13. How sweet! I love having my pasture right next to my house. Like you, I can walk out on my porch or look out the window and make sure things are okay and everybody is safe.

  14. I definitely think you have the right idea. If I were lucky enough to have a barn and a yard full of animals, I would want them as close as possible at all times. Such a great lounging around pic. Makes me sleepy zzzzzzz!!!

  15. I recently had an incredible room with a view like this, too. It was so awesome. Only mine had a pot-bellied pig who would nap right outside in a hay filled gutter, too. Adorable. :-)

  16. Could you have pictured it any better in you mind when planning?

    So pleased for you that your family is so content and Lucy fits right into the puzzle like she's the missing piece.

  17. I never get tired of watching the horses! First thing in the AM I wander window to window & if someone is missing I'm out in my pj's looking for them...

  18. I was wondering who was going to stand guard!

  19. So sweet. Seeing that outside my window would make my world All Good.

  20. I'm with you! I sit on my back porch and watch our herd all the time. Close is good! Gotta love that Hank! :)

  21. I would live & work with that any day! Did Hank eventually lay down?
    I forgot to mention yesterday that the last picture was a perfect shot of the pecking order of Hank, Lucy, George & Alan!

  22. I'm with you...the closer the better. Just love your family :)

  23. Great shots and great views!
    I have to laugh...I just finished a post with the same title (but very different subject matter)! I'll be putting it up later tonight!
