Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lucy's hazing

Lucy: I don't care if blue is my color, I'm feeling a little stupid here.

Me: But now your initiation to the herd is complete.

Lucy: Complete, my ass. I can take this thing off, you know.

Me: I know you know. And you've trained me so well to pick it up and put it right back on your head.

Lucy: Not one word or you'll be wearing it next, shortstuff.

George: Nice beanie. Where's the propeller?

George: When will I ever learn?


  1. I got a GOOD laugh over this post Carson ... what fun you have with your animals, and what a sport Lucy is!

  2. Lucy's ears pointing backwards kind of say it all, don't they. Besides.... I think she would have preferred pink.


  3. Diane Kennedy3/8/11, 5:11 AM

    Yours is my first blog visit ever day and I always leave it with a smile. Love it.

  4. HA!!! Such good sports eh!
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. Oh Carson, I've really been enjoying seeing Lucy get into her new herd. Thanks for sharing. She does seem to be pickin' on George, tho.

  6. Another day and another BIG SMILE and giggle to start my day. Thank you. This is just the BEST, I sell a loved one, but I get to see her everyday....it couldn't be any better than this. Life is GOOD :)

  7. LOVE the last pic...Lucy is content now nibbling grasses and poor George.....

    I hate to ask and I hate to bring it up but, ...whatever happened to Deets?

  8. Yes, now she is fully initiated. And nobody has to mention the elf hat for months :)

  9. Cute hat! George looks better in it though.

  10. you should be writing childrens books, you just make a picture come alive. love your posts.

  11. Maru couldn't have said it better.

  12. The ears speak volumes between Lucy and George. I hope at some point they can become friends. But I'm glad they are getting along as well as they do.

  13. Alicia, Colorado Rancher Chic3/8/11, 8:33 AM

    What cranky ears! I grew up with Pablo, my dad's pack burro. When the ears went back, you learned to watch hooves & teeth!

  14. This is too funny! You really should write a book about all your animal's adventures at the 7MSN!

  15. Maybe Lucy would like a pink hat.

  16. Ah, hazings can be rough, but Lucy not only survived hers with style, but she definitely came out on top! How fascinating it must be to watch this new herd dynamic unfolding.

    (KathyB's comment made me LAUGH!)

  17. Looks like Lucy would get along fine with my 16 month old grandson...can't get him to leave a cap on either!

    signed C in Florida (WI)

  18. You and the kids gave me a big smile - thanks!

    Nancy in Iowa

  19. I liked where her eyebrows held the cap on half way down her face! Lucy got even in the end and George looks cute with the blue cap.

  20. OMG picture #4 has me about peeing my pants. Oh my the ears and the looks. Awesome. LMAO!

  21. I have an urge to fly down there and give those guys a big hug.
    Where are my cats...? They will be happy to sub!

  22. I think Lucy would look lovely with a big blue bow in her forelock. Just sayin'.

  23. LOL!!! Lucy is certainly bringing her own character to your place. :)
