
Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucy listens to the coyotes

Don't worry, Lucy. George and Alan will protect you.


  1. Linda, you may have addressed this before, but what sort of donkey is Lucy? The shape of her face is so different from the boys.

  2. She's so beautiful, Carson. That first shot is amazing.

    I still can't get over how soft and smooth her hair is!

  3. What a the moon in the second picture. Lucy looks like she's braced for an earthquake. Give the girl a big hug and kiss for me. Sure do miss her bray.

  4. CeeCee, Lucy is a Mammoth donkey, which is a size distinction rather than a breed distinction. But her look is very different than George and Alan (who are Standards - the third size is Miniature). Of all the donkeys you "know," she most resembles Ellsworth.

  5. Has Lucy had a hair cut?? She's looking very well manicured! Very beautiful.

  6. Lucy is just so pretty and looks so content at her new home.

  7. Lucy exudes such calm, even while listening to coyotes, doesn't she? That top picture is gorgeous. I can even see that super soft spot on her neck. :-)

  8. Lucy has a wise old soul look about her.

  9. I have a feeling Lucy will kick her some coyote a**, if it ever becomes necessary. Love the header, btw!

  10. I see Lucy is losing her wooly bear look. She is so pretty.

  11. Lovely photos! And a girl should have a couple of handsome guys to look after her!

  12. I have to say, between Lucy's long-awaited arrival and Patrick's sudden rescue, this has been a most fascinating few weeks in my online donkey world. I'm very grateful for your & Justina's and Danni's wonderful photos and stories. Such personalities those donk-a-donks have!

  13. That first photo knocks my socks's just about all I can

  14. I also have the feeling that your sweet Lucy can kick those coyote's "asses" with little or absolutely no help from the boys!!!

  15. Lucy just gets prettier all the time. What a beauty with distinction and a side order of attitude.

  16. Lol...I mean no disrespect but her profile...just cracks me up... the other day already with you and her shadow... a plunging profile? a majestuous nose? I always have a case of the gigles when I see her...Hope she has a sense of humour!

  17. I reaaallly like her. And her big ears!


  18. I have a feeling if push came to shove, the boys might be standing behind their new big sister!

  19. I suspect Lucy could handle a coyote or two on her own, and would not be hiding behind her brothers. She looks as if she could be a tough customer under the right circumstances.

    I, too, like Lucy's look. Her coloring is very much like my hair!
    Ergo, she is Pretty. :-)

  20. Lucy is shedding out beautifully. And those coyotes are probably just singing the theme from I love Lucy show. :)

    Which got stuck in my head when you did that video.

  21. what a beautiful face!

  22. Lucy looks so wise. I'm sure she can hold her own, but has trust in the boys also! She appears to have already slicked off some and is darker. We were at very warm @ 85 today. Can't wait to visit NM again!

  23. She is such an old soul. I'd love to have a Mammoth Donkey, but with Harry and Gunny being minis, I don't think that's a good combination. Does Hank pay much attention to her? It will be interesting to see if she starts grooming with any of the boys as they all start shedding out.

  24. i LOVE that 1st picture. Lucy is one lucky burro and such a photogenic one as well!
