
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lucy helps bring in the herd

Well, not exactly. But we did push two cows down the road
and it seemed like a good title for this little video.


  1. Lovely background music to the perfect donkey cattle drive! You must be riding on cloud nine!

  2. What IS wrong with those people?

    Good thing you two came along. Clearly those cattle had gone astray. (I mean, aren't they knocked up?)

  3. You are absolutely right... but not a movie... it should be a weekly series on Showtime for heaven sakes.


  4. How wonderful that music plays wherever you and Lucy go together!

  5. Head 'em up, move em out!
    Oh how I remember. That was the closest I ever got to herding cattle.
    Great video, Carson. Thanks for sharing.
    Best always, Sandra

  6. Loved it. Ellsworth and I agree completely.

  7. Lucky Lucy, lucky Carson -- the steers -- maybe not so lucky.

  8. Oops! I looked again -- maybe not steers :)

  9. Music from my favorite movie!!
    Maybe Clara rode a donkey. She seemed like a sensible woman who would want a sensible mount. No hot headed 3 year old horses for her.

  10. Estella from Co.3/30/11, 7:23 AM

    Well, you've managed to do it AGAIN, but I had the kleenex handy this time. I can see you guys are really having a good time together.(JUST what I prayed for) Keep them coming and I'll keep myself stored up on kleenex.

  11. Love this post and video! The soundtrack is perfect...have an awesome day!

  12. Cows are so funny. So why didn't thy just get out of the way instead of plodding along in front of you? Silly cows.

  13. Get along little doggy, get along was my first thought for those heifers. It's so nice to see you riding and allowing us to go along. Thanks Lucy for the ride!!

  14. I have given you the Stylish Blogger Award. Go check it out ...

    JC ^,,^

  15. Whoopie Ty Yie YAy, get along little 'donkey' - oops, OK,
    'doggies' too! Thanks for sharing Lucy's round-up!

  16. I have followed your blog for over a year. I log on every single day and this is the first time I have left a comment. I wanted you to know that you and your family alway put a smile on my face. You are such a clever writer. I so enjoy your videos and I miss sweet Deets. I'm lovin' Lucy and the boys.

  17. Hmmm, Cows are not so good at walking in a straight line are they ? Maybe they've been sampling your Margeritas. Lucy on the other hand would easily pass any sobriety test. Very nice :-)

  18. I'm thinkin Festus would totally agree! (even though Ruth was a mule) I got a kick out of this video. :)

  19. Haaaa... Clairz comment made me laugh out loud!
    I love how the cows kept swinging their heads every now and then to get a peripheral view of you and Lucy...needing to make sure you weren't going to start running at them or anything. :-)

  20. WHOA! hehe Lucy and YOU and those 2 cows should maybe get an Oscar!! LOVED this video!!

  21. I love this video! Music, commentary, and especially Lucy's ears framing the cattle!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  22. No surprise, Lucy is a star no matter what she does.

  23. Estella from Co.3/30/11, 5:02 PM

    4??? maybe 5 times, I have watched this today...LOVE IT

  24. Bet those cows haven't seen a donkey behind them before....especially with a human on it. :)

  25. Congrats to you and Hank for being in PW's photo contest!

  26. Had to come back one more time. I have never seen a cow walk a straight line, they seem to zig and zag. Those two certainly weren't too concerned about an equine and human behind them.

  27. She's obviously in charge!! Love it!!

  28. Excellent video!! Love the music.

    Those cows are certainly "round" aren't they? Are they in a family way or do they just need some exercise?

  29. ROFL! Made my day!!!!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
