
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lucy comes between George and Alan

Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window yesterday.
Former rivals for the number two spot in the herd, Lucy and George were napping together,
and Alan was nowhere to be seen.

I take that back. Here he comes.

Lucy: Don't look now but Pipsqueak's marching over here and he does not look pleased.

Alan: George, I'd like a word with you in private, please.

George: Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of my friend Lucy. 

Alan: Traitor!

Lucy: Oh dear. I don't like being caught in the middle of this.

Lucy: But then again, I'm not about to give up this nice soft spot in the sun. I'm sure they'll work it out.

Alan: Yes, I am in a snit. Must you air our dirty laundry in public? Now put that camera away.


  1. Sorry you're in a snit, Alan, but that photo of you with the leaves on your head is one of my favorites. Ever.

  2. Love it! You gave me a smile at 4:00 a.m.

  3. Oh, poor Alan! I did not see this coming. Somehow, I automatically pictured Lucy moseying off into the sunset with Mr Tall, Two-toned and Handsome, himself!

  4. Sorry Alan, you are a celebrity now and ALL of your "dirty laundry" has to aired out for us your adoring fans to analize ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. I agree with Alan... must you put everything out there????? JK..great series of shots!

  6. I love your captions on this one.

    Don't worry Alan... Patrick feels your pain when it comes to the camera.

  7. But Alan, you behaved so much like a gentleman. You didn't cause any drama, you just walked away. I'd say there's no dirty laundry to be aired. Charlie Sheen, you are not.

  8. Office politics?
    Best always, Sandra

  9. Oh Alan. We still love you, and so does George. It's ok.

  10. I have to agree with Clairz...LOVE the photo of Alan with his head in the bush. Poor baby :( Do Hank and Lucy ever buddy up? I know if donkeys have a choice of horse, mule or donkey they go with another donkey, now mules will go to a horse rather than a donkey. Interesting. Have a good day

  11. Poor Alan. Must not be up for a three some-eh? I think Alan needs some love. It's amazing to watch the change in the herd dynamics.

  12. Perhaps he could make a hat out of that good looking green bush on his head?


  13. Love your remarks on each photo and now a big grin on my face!!!

  14. The last shot (Alan in a snit) is wonderful. He really does look put out!

  15. Poor Alan! I never thought a GIRL could come between him and George. I can't help but LOVE that last photo of him though.

  16. Hmmmm...what's the saying..."Three's a crowd?"

  17. Ahhh, just like a girl to get between boy buddies.

  18. Hmmm, I was wondering where Alan would fit in. Apparently he is too.

  19. This blog entry is one of my all-time favorites! I can't wait to see what develops next . . .

    P.S. to Alan - You're still MY favorite.

  20. Mmmm hmmm....and I see a spot, right there a little to the left of Lucy, where I could've squeezed myself right in and joined in on the sunny nap-fest.
    I think Alan just needed a little Juniper berry snack, which was why he didn't add himself to the donkey pile.

    He's also embarrassed about his snoring.

  21. Oh dear. I have so been there, Alan.

  22. OMG, your photojournalism cracks me up!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  23. Aaaw Alan, you've always been my favourite. Maybe you should come live up here with my George? ;)
