Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Becoming one with the herd

The past five days have been a whirlwind of activity around the 7MSN. We can't remember the last time we've had so much social interaction...or so much fun!

But all good things must come to an end, and Tuesday night the herd gathered in the pasture with their new friend Danni one last time before she returned home to Oregon.

I was trying to get them all together for a group picture but wasn't having much success...

because Alan started to roll, then Danni started to roll, and I started to laugh and haven't been able to stop.

See what happens when you spend too much time hanging out with this herd? 
You turn into one of them.


  1. OMG ... those pictures are way too funny!!! I am so glad that a good time was had by ALL!!

  2. HA!! Lucy and the boys were also haveing a great laugh too eh!
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. I think Danni needs a cap with long ears on it!

    Lucy looks like she can't believe what she is seeing! :)

  4. ok that was FUNNY!!!!!!! the look on the burros faces is priceless they are certian she has lost it LOL or maybe found it LOL...

  5. Looks like Lucy has her owm thoughts about that evening, and she is not saying a word...but you certainly know what she is thinking! Lol

  6. Absolutely smiling from ear to ear here. :D

  7. I stop by every morning simply to get my morning smile. This one made me grin. Who knew that donkeys could be so expressive?

  8. Love how Lucy is looking at Danni while she rolls. "Hey Ma, this is a strange human here." :) I love it.

  9. What a fun set of shots! Carson, I don't know how you always manage to catch the best!

  10. What a blast! I would so be laughing too!


  11. This is hilarious! Danni - you really do have an affect on these guys and gal. I look at Lucy's face as she is wondering "Whaaaat??" Too funny!

  12. Once again you've started my day with a smile AND GIGGLE. I bet you'll be sad to see Danni go, after all she was quite an addition to the herd. ha ha ha!

  13. Hilarious set of photos! I love how George looks at Danni as she is about to roll...and when Alan looks like he's laughing at her. What a fun time!

  14. Smiling here also. That look from Lucy is great.

  15. Alan's laugh in the last two photos says it all!

  16. The photos are fantastic! I'm glad Danni came to visit because now I have a third animal blog to visit every morning.

  17. One word "Priceless" Thanks gang!!

  18. Oh I LIKE her :) She's fun!!

  19. The pics really capture the fun and silliness that you all were apparently enjoying - how fun!! Lucy just kinda looks like she is thinking "they are all nuts!"

  20. Okay. I admit, I've never seen that before. Definitely way up there on the silliness scale.

  21. Fabulous! Love the look(s) on Lucy's face. And Danni's at the end, too. :D

    I've really enjoyed seeing Patrick's story on all three of y'all's blogs. Might have to schedule a sight-seeing trip to NM sometime...maybe one of those "Homes of the Stars" tours...

  22. thank you for the HUGE SMILE on my face! utterly and totally delightful!

  23. I'm smiling too!!! Thanks to all 3 of you, (you, Danni and Justina) for letting us in on this latest adventure. We'll have to get a daily dose of Patrick now as well as Danni's animals and yours :)

  24. That series of photos is priceless. The look on the burros faces as they watch Danni "dust" is so funny. Now that's what I call a houseguest who's willing to get down and dirty. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  25. I love Lucy's expression! Great pix!

  26. You did it again !! That was so fun to see, who knew they could be so animated ?? thanks for keeping us smiling !!! Jeanne in SC

  27. From her expressions I think Lucy knows now she has moved to the "funny farm"!

  28. LOL!!! Love the shot with Alan laughing at Danni and the one with flared nostrils! Great post Linda! Thanks! :)

  29. HA! With Danni rolling, Alan braying, and George copycat rolling: I'm sure you were all in stitches!! What did Lucy think of it all!!!

    When are we going to see pics of your time at Morning Bray (besides the time you spent with Patrick)? Not trying to be pushy here :)

    I know you were all sad to see it come to an end!

  30. Yet more proof that animals like it when you join in their games.
    Lucy's a riot.
    Did she move a HAIR while she watched Danni roll?

  31. Laughing today for the first time!

  32. Haha, this one really cracked me up!

    I love the look on Lucy's face: 'You've all lost your minds....'.

  33. I so look forward to your blog--thanks for the smiles :)

  34. Better than a roll in the mud, that's for sure!

  35. least Lucy maintained her dignity and Hank just kept eating :)

  36. Way too much fun! Thanks for making us smile.

  37. Looks like a party to me! Love those last few shots of everyone laughing and having a good time.

  38. ...and I continue to shake dust out of the *strangest* places....

    (a hat with donkey they make those? I'd totally wear one, you know. wouldn't you?!!!)

  39. Oh look...and they'll throw in the teeth for free:


  40. Danni looks like the perfect friend! She passed the test... :-)
    PS: I reposted this one on my FB page, just had to share...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  41. This is so gorgeous! There is something about Donkeys! I don't own one but I have had quite a lot to do with them in the past. They are so left brain funny little people! I just adore them. How could you not roll with them. I think I would start eating grass if I had a herd of donkeys! LOL
