
Monday, March 21, 2011

Back in the saddle again

Would you like to go on a trail ride with Lucy and me?

I took my ipod-with-the-video-camera with us yesterday so we could share our adventure. Only problem was the sun was so bright I could never tell when the camera was on or off. I have 30 minutes of video showing the inside of my shirt pocket. Don't worry - I cut that part out. Then there's the 15 minutes with my thumb in the corner of the frame. But you'll get the general idea.

I edited our two-hour ride down to two and a half minutes. If you're prone to seasickness, just close your eyes and listen to the song. I downloaded it months ago, knowing I would one day be singing it again.  It was a great day to be alive and in the saddle, riding my Lucy.


  1. Woo hoo, that was fun!

    What to the boys think when you saddle up Lucy up and take off?

  2. So happy for you. Lucy is just lovely!

  3. Aww...I could feel every step! She really walks out nicely.

    Now, here's a request. Can you take a video of you riding her when she gaits? I'd love to "feel" that to see how it compares to riding my gaited horses. :)

    Love her busy ears, too. She's really paying attention to her surroundings so there aren't any surprises. You two are a great pair!

  4. I am surprised at how smooth Lucy's ride seems to be. What fun to see it from your perspective and as always, I loved the commentary.

  5. Looks like a perfect day with a perfect girl. We love her ears too.

  6. Happy trails, Carson and Lucy. It's good to see you back out riding.

  7. I love how she walked so calmly! What a good girl!

  8. Happy sigh!

  9. Cool and sooner or later you and Justina will be riding partners! Note: a new number!

  10. O.K. where are the kleenex??? I'm just thrilled to see you riding her and she's LOVING EVERY MINUTE of it. Isn't life good to be able to ride out like that, on a lovely day, on a sweet donkey like Lucy. I'm soooo happy for you.

  11. Thanks for starting my day with a smile and happy tears. So wonderful to see you and Lucy enjoying the ride!

  12. Did you know that it is impossible to get lost riding a donkey or a mule? You simply use those ears as a sight and point them where you want to go. Limo driving with a GPS!

  13. Great ears! Lucy looks like she's glad to be out on the trail again.

  14. At last! Ear cam! -and it brings a whole new meaning to ear cam! I love how the music is the perfect rhythm for Lucy's stride.

  15. Now, that was fun!
    The two of you make a wonderful team.
    (and I'm kicking myself now because I never got around to filming you on her so you could see how her "gait" looks when you ride...) grrr

  16. I loved the "ride". Lucy's attentive ears was fun to watch. The music was perfect and I was wondering in the beginning what you would select.

    I can't wait for a gaited ride.

  17. I'm not sea sick. I'm grinning from ear to ear. That was fun!!!!

  18. Thanks for sharing, Linda. That was wonderful!! Lucy is a gem of a donkey!

  19. So how would you compare the ride on a donkey to a ride on a horse? More comfortable, less comfortable, completely different? Because with our slim steep trails, I'm thinking a riding donkey might be better than a horse.

  20. You've got yourself a real keeper there!

  21. That was so much fun! Thanks for taking us along. I loved watching Lucy's ears - amazing things.

    Nancy in Iowa

  22. Watching this video just turned a nasty day around and put a smile on my face--thanks! Love attentive Lucy's ears as she explores her new world with her trusted new friend! Ride on!

  23. That looked like a smooth ride. I'm so glad both of you were able to share with us!

  24. Pat,
    George and Alan don't seem to care about Lucy and I leaving the ranch. Hank, on the other hand, carries on like a baby, but he's not as distraught as he was when I left on Lyle.

    C in WI,
    I will definitely try to shoot some video while Lucy is gaiting. Actually, I have some already...if you want to see what her gait looks like from the inside of my pocket.

    Lisa Paul,
    Riding Lucy is extremely comfortable, primarily because she's gaited. I'll try to do a separate post soon on all the differences between riding a horse vs a donkey. For your situation, I would definitely recommend a donkey.

  25. Thnks! I never road a donkey before!

  26. I have nothing to add that everyone else hasn't already said! OMG you lucky gal! Thanks for taking me/us along. What fun!

  27. What everyone else said! AWESOME and I enjoyed the ride!

  28. That is so cool!! Enjoyed the ride with you and Lucy!!

  29. You know the last time I rode a donkey was at Knott's Berry Farm back in the late fifties! Wow, I need to get out more. Thanks for sharing. I really liked your music (although predictable, it made for a great little diversion from my computer work today).

  30. Best day ever, no doubt. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    I've been dying for a good ride. Lucy is a real jewel!
