
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yesterday was like winning the lottery...only better

It was one thing for the saddle donkey of my dreams to be delivered right to my doorstep yesterday, but then you all came over to share in my excitement and wish us well. What a completely fabulous day. Thank you all for making it so special.

Needless to say, I didn't spend much time in the house. There was way too much to watch out at the barn.

Not sure what Hank was saying to Lucy here...

...but George did his best to eavesdrop.

Smooch wasn't quite sure what to make of Miss Lucy at first, but I've got some pictures to show you later in the week that might surprise you. Seems these two might really hit it off.

Alan and George literally could not take their eyes off Lucy.

Me, neither. 

When Lucy got a good glimpse of the porcine princess, it was enough to make her spit out her drink.

Lucy: What in heaven's name is that??
George: You don't want to know.

George used Lucy's shock and awe over Wynonna to his advantage and tried to steal a kiss.

About then, my neighbors stopped by to meet Lucy, who is not the least bit shy of strangers.

And then I asked my neighbor to take a picture.

So, yeah, it was a pretty awesome day. And for those of you who asked if I'd be sleeping in the barn to keep Lucy company on her first night, the answer is yes.


  1. I love ALL the pictures and it looks like everyone is getting along splendidly, BUT the last picture is simply the best ... joy just radiates and I can see you are truly thrilled.

    Life is good and all is well at 7MSN!

  2. I couldn't imagine a better home for Lucy than your wonderful ranch Linda, thank your for sharing these lovely photos :)

  3. She seems very kind and sweet - she's just plain adorable!

  4. So wunderful to see that Miss Lucy is more than welcome. Can´t wait to see the other Smooch-Lucy photos.

    It would be funny to see all the blog-reader faces having a first look at Miss Lucy at 7MSN. As curious as the outdoorfamily :-)

  5. Those lips! Those bushy eyebrows! She's adorable! Congrats to all.

  6. Awww...a girl's pajama party in the barn. How cute is that?!

    Loved all the photos of the meet and greet with all the critters and neighbors. Lucy will be everyone's favorite in no time! (Along with all the other 7MSN menagerie...)

  7. So glad I got to see this first! So does she have those puffy eyebrows year-round, or is it a winter thing? Hank was obviously flirting, the hunk! When are you going to ride her? Might have to get new tack... ;)

  8. awww! sleep well? question...i noticed what appears to be an anchor shape on lucy's upper front left that mother nature or a brand...OR, do i see another tattoo in your future =o)

  9. Your babies are all just awesome. I think their first day with Lucy went better than well.

    AND WOW TO YOU, girlfriend! The fitness program has done its work!

  10. Lucy looks so perfectly at home already. She must be really even tempered and laid back. So happy for all of you.

  11. YEAH LUCY! Things seem to be going just fabulous for everyone and I am sure with each passing day its going to just get better and better. I can only image that Mom #1 must love the updates - I sure do!

    I am so looking forward to following the journey at the 7MSN. Your blog is one of the highlights of my work-day and Lucy has just made it so much better.

    Just a fellow donkey mom.

  12. Sleeping in the barn...
    Hah! I knew it.
    Smooch is probably deeelighted to have another girl around to even up the outdoor score!

  13. Looks like she's a big hit with the boys and everyone else there. She's really cute and sweet. Love her ears.

  14. Welcome Miss Lucy!! We are so excited that you arrived safe and sound. Everyone wants to get to know you including me. I am so excited for The 7MSN Ranch.

  15. Gosh, both of you are looking so fine!

    This morning's series made me giggle...

  16. She is beautiful.
    what a big girl and I wish you many years of laughter and miles with Ms. Lucy.

  17. Welcome home, Lucy!!!!!! :-)

    (I'm glad for you that it wasn't 27 below last night -- it would have been a much less comfortable night in the barn! :-) )

  18. Thank you for sharing this journey. Looks like everyone's getting along nicely.

    You, my friend, are radiant.

  19. I am very glad your neighbours stopped by to say hello to lucy and then posed for a picture with her. It gives us a better idea of her size. The boys seem very happy with their new family member and I sure wynonna will be glad to have another 4 legged female in the yard to talk girl stuff with ;-)

  20. This is SO exciting! And here I am stuck in an office, missing all the fun while everybody gets to know each other... sigh...Let loose! Long posts!

  21. Checked your blog before even going to my mailbox. Pix made it soooo worth it. You are just aglow with adoration. I'm sure Ms. Lucy wil be soon as well. My didn't realize she was so big till the pix with humans. Looking forward to more pix in the future. Hope the PJ part was a success.

  22. She is really beautiful! Good move for the 7MSN Ranch!

  23. She is a beauty! You are going to have a wonderful life together, I just know it!

  24. So happy for you Carson! Lucy looks like she's fitting in just fine.... George trying to steal a kiss - what a guy! Have fun today hanging w/your new BFF..

  25. I love this last one also. First your face is thinner. That is usually the first place I show weight loss and you look great and second Lucy is so cute. Such a face that will be fun to capture.

  26. I hope everyone slept well. :)
    Such wonderful pictures! I'm so glad the boys behaved themselves and hope you have a great day today.

  27. Oh, those eyebrows - she looks very deep in thought, like she's considering all of the problems of the world.

  28. I am looking at your pics with a big old goofy smile. I am so happy for all involved. Your boys seemed to be quite enamored with the stunning Lucy.

  29. You have is the widest smile I've seen in a long time. You couldn't looked happier. And Lucy is wonderful - she lookes like a gentle and tough girl at the same time. And the dust roll yesterday, right in front of the boys with their jaws dropped ... Believe me, we will check for new posts every 15 minutes the next days. (no pressure...)

  30. Oh, happy day ~ The meet and greet seems to be more perfect that you could have imagined !

    Wonderful photos....Estella must love seeing them !

  31. Who could not love Lucy?! What a lucky girl to land on 7MSN and how lucky you are to have found her.

    How thrilling that her previous owners will be able to visit her daily through this wonderful blog.

  32. I think Hank is saying, "Hello gorgeous!" I love the last photo, you look great together, and it looks like she will be just the right size for you.

  33. Well, Lucy made it all safe and sound..relief. Finally I can get a good nights sleep. It looks like Lucy is going to fit right in without a problem (I knew she would). As you know, Linda, the more time you spend with her now the closer bond you will have, because she will bond to you before the boys. Spending the first night with her..way to go. Bud and I are so thrilled with the out come of this move for Lucy. Wait until you ride her, she's FUN, but it's not like getting up on a feels a little different at first. THIS was sooooo meant to be...even the weather, we are in for some winter weather again, so she got there just in time. God Bless you Linda and friends.

  34. I knew it! Sleeping in the barn with your new girl....I knew it!

    All the pictures are fabulous. Lucy is so adorable. Maybe I missed it in one of your posts, but how old is she?

  35. LOVE the ears!! Glad she arrived safe and sound

  36. Lucy is charming ....

  37. WOW!!!!
    (with smiley faces)

  38. I win, I bet my family that you would be having a spend the night with Lucy in the barn. I would have too. I'm so tickled for you. I sorta feel like I opened your present too. Thanks so much for sharing your excitement and the the beginning love of Lucy with those of us urban dwellers who can only wish. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  39. I'm glad to see a bit of feminine wiles in the pens. Will she be decorating the place in pink?


  40. I couldn't wait to check on your progress this morning.

  41. That's really cute. I wondered how a donkey could be large enough to ride but seeing her size, now I understand. She's also adorable. What a cute face. The boys may prove competitive with each other over this new addition :)

  42. That's awesome! The last picture is precious. She's a good size for you.

  43. How old is she ? She has such a pretty face.

  44. So much depressing news around these days; unemployment, war, etc. Then there is the wonderful stuff like Lucy's adoption that truly brightened my day. Thanks for sharing Lucy with us!

  45. Your new baby looks pretty pleased to have a new family! Such an exciting time for you Linda. I can't wait to see how the boys react when you mix them together. They better be on their best behavior ; )

  46. Looks like everyone is off to a great start.
    Welcome home Lucy!!

  47. This makes me smile and I haven't even had my coffee yet. Congratulations on your new family member.

  48. Lucy is absolutely adorable! Congratulations on gaining your new friend. I look forward to seeing/reading all of her adventures!

  49. What an absolutely beautiful, kind face she has.

    Welcome, Lucy! You are going to have sooooo much fun!

  50. She's so beautiful! And, I'm so happy for you, and her. Love the pictures, I can feel your excitement. It's wonderful.

  51. Oh, how exciting!! I'm so happy for you!!! Lucy has a wonderful new home - I just know that all will grow to love her in no time at all. Look at that face - how could they not?? Thank you for sharing your joy and excitement!!! If anyone walks by my cave, uh, office just about now, they'll be asking why I have such a silly smile on my face.

  52. These are wonderful pictures. Hank with some smooth moves. George being so funny! She looks so sturdy and strong -- seeing you with her -- you both look like the perfect match. I'm looking forward to Smooch stories. I am enjoying this so much and am glad to hear how well everything is working out.

  53. She's soooooo beautiful!!! She has such a soft look to her as well :) I was sneaking a peak at work and you made me laugh out loud with your narration when Lucy caught a glimpse of students all looked up to see what was so funny!!

  54. Lucy is absolutely gorgeous! And how smart of you to stay in the barn so the two of you could bond :)

    LOVED the moment when Lucy saw Wynonna - and am waiting for the story/pics of Smooch & Lucy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the three of you could go on walks together?

    Best pic of all - the last one! The sheer joy on your face says it all, doesn't it? Welcome to the 7MSN, Lucy. We love you!!!

  55. Lucy is precious...I know you will enjoy her!

  56. Did I miss something - did you really sleep in the barn?? Well, that is ... I don't know ... sweet.

  57. All I can do is echo all the good wishes. I to enjoy your writing, photos and animals. Lucy could not have a better second home. How nice that mom#1 added comments and can follow Lucy on your blog.

  58. Congratulations on your new addition. I check your website each day at lunch. It just totally makes my day!! Lucy is adorable as are the rest of your critters. Happy Trails to You!

  59. Lucy is one great looking donkey! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  60. Carson, she is beautiful! I love the photo of you with your new sweetie. The boys look like they'll definitely make her welcome!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  61. Fantastic! I'm so happy for you all & just a little jealous.

    But I do have a birthday coming up - I wonder.....? :))

  62. As one of my friends, John Lyons, would say:


  63. Yes the Lottery you DID win! How was your night in the barn? Lucy is just adorable! and You look so on cloud nine! The last picture, truely is the best!

  64. I do believe Hank is flirting with Lucy...<3<3

  65. She is so cute! I know everyone will love her. Sleeping in the barn sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing your excitement and the new member of the 7MSN ranch!

  66. I think Hank was giving her his best sweet talk, although trust George to steal a kiss. Glad to see Wynnona making a royal appearance. Bodes well for Lucy's future at court.

    That last photo really says it all, though.

    So crazy happy for all of you!

  67. Lucy sees Wynonna and totally dribbles her drink...too funny....
    Ohhh...I'm so glad everybody seems happy with each other..... how much fun will things be now. She is BIG isn't she? .... wow.... and love her face.... so sweet...

  68. She is truly beautiful and I look forward to her adventures at the 7MSN ranch.

  69. Looks like George wants to lure Lucy away from Hank. :) She has the most wonderful, wise look to her face. You two were meant to be! So happy that you now have a riding partner! :)

  70. Oohhhhh....I want to come and spend a night with Lucy in the barn! All your animals look so happy.

  71. Awww, congratulations! It's true love :)
    She is very beautiful and I have no doubts you two will have a great time together. I had to laugh at her reaction to Wynonna. I wondered how that would go. She seems to take things in stride. I think George and Alan will surely adore her.
    Can't wait to see more!

  72. Heather from Montreal2/17/11, 8:16 PM

    What a wonderful addition to your family. Hope you get a some sleep in the barn and not spend the entire night just looking at Lucy.

  73. I can't wait to see the rest of the story.........

  74. Hank is enamored and acting silly. George is acting silly and sweet. Alan seems shy. It looks like Lucy and Smooch might get along.... She has such a sweet face and the last pic of you two is great!

  75. I'm so excited for you all! Like so many have said, that pic of the 2 of you just radiates happiness!! (and you are looking slimmer lady!)

    I love the 4th pic of Alan... he looks so sweet :)
