
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weighing In with Wynonna ~ week two

Here we are at the end of week two of the 7MSN 12-week get-in-shape-by-spring fitness challenge. Just when I said I would never use the weather as an excuse not to go for my daily walk, in comes the storm of the century. So I missed a couple of walks, but I think I made up for it by doing "extreme chores."  Heck, just getting dressed to go outside was a calorie-burner. I've been able to stick with the 30-day shred DVD, too, which surprises me. I thought I'd be totally bored and over it by now. What I really like about it is that it's a 20-minute workout, albeit a very intense 20 minutes. I can do anything for 20 minutes. And I'm amazed at how much stronger and fit I'm getting with each day's workout.

Anyway, last week, we talked about the exercise component of getting in shape; today, we'll focus on the other part of equation – eating.

Sorry, Wynonna, seconds are not part of your daily calorie allotment.

I'm not crazy about counting calories, but I know if I limit myself to around 1,200 calories per day and get more exercise than I usually do, I will lose weight. I'm a weirdo who can eat the same things every day and be perfectly content. So when I started this challenge, I came up with a 1,200-calorie daily menu of satisfying foods that I like and would normally eat anyway. It makes grocery shopping easy, I'm not starving, and it's been a piece of cake to stick to...minus the piece of cake.

2 packets of sugar-free maple and cinnamon flavored oatmeal = 200 calories
2 giant cups coffee with a little half and half and a teaspoon of sugar = 56 calories

Progresso Light Santa Fe Style Chicken soup = 160 calories
Saltine crackers = 72 calories
Dried apricots or craisins = 70

Caprese Frittata with sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella, and fresh basil = 338 calories
Here's the link to the original recipe - I've modified it to use 3 eggs instead of 2,  and 1/3 cup of shredded part-skim mozzarella instead of the fresh, whole milk kind
Roasted fresh vegetables (green beans, sweet potato, brocolli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash or some combination thereof) = 200 calories

Bedtime snack: Yoplait Lite Yogurt = 100 calories

Total = 1,196 calories

This is dinner – a plate full of very tasty food:

I could eat this every day even if I weren't trying to lose weight. It tastes great, it's filling, and there's a whole lot of food there.

My latest guilt-free snack discovery is this "dessert gum." I've tried the Key Lime and Mint Chocolate Chip flavors, and they're spectacular.

So that's what I'm eating these days. What about you? Got a favorite recipe or meal that works for you when you're trying to eat healthy? A guilt-free snack perhaps? Do tell.


  1. Your dinner plate looks absolutely delicious, and I'm going to have to check out that gum.

    We have eaten healthy for years, but now watch portions more. That really makes a difference. What helps is using our smaller dinner plates vs the large ones. Few desserts ... they're a treat now and usually only have them when company comes.

  2. That does look good. I am going to check out the site. I am a weird one that eat the same also. I follow similar to the Weight Watchers low fat diet. I make a big pot of their cabbage soup (my own version--I put taco seasoning an pinto beans in it) and eat it 5 out of 7 lunches. I lost 40 + lbs over two years ago and trying to keep it off (I got 5 from this winter to lose).

  3. Breakfast:
    1 cup 1% Cottage cheese = 200 cal
    1/3 cup raspberries (unfrozen) = 50 cal
    2 TBSP of pine nuts and pistachios = 150 cal

    Total: 400 cal (breakfast should be the biggest meal then go smaller as the day goes).
    The thing is, it is DELICIOUS and FILLING, with a nice combination of salty (cheese and nuts) and sweet (raspberries).
    I, like you, can stick to the same things months on end and I look forward to this breakfast every morning!

  4. You, Carson, are an extraordinarily disciplined woman. You are not alone in that, but the contrast between us just amazes me.
    The basis for that opinion is not this current quest, but your whole history.

    Those roasted vegetables look so good that I am salivating.

  5. Pat, I have dessert only when company comes, too, so living in the middle of nowhere sure helps me stick to that regimen.

    Brenda, I need to find that cabbage soup recipe - I'm sure it would be better than my daily can of Progresso.

    Sigrid, you may have just kicked me out of my oatmeal for breakfast rut. I'm on my way to the store this morning and am adding those ingredients to my list. Thanks!

    June, all I do to roast any vegetables is lightly spray them with olive-oil Pam and bake them at 375 til they're kind of brown around the edges. Seriously, I could live on roasted green beans.

  6. On a long haul deal here, making headway but not speedy. As long as moving in the right direction, good. Up to mile and a half on daily treadmill - raising speed before more distance.

    Took my own little snack bag to movie last week. Some almonds, a few Dove dark chocolate promises, and a serving of Hot Tamales cinnamon chewy candies. Could have had popcorn, but not in the mood that day.

    My regular regimen, counting carbs and watching portions, about 1600 calories. More variety since I am not the only one eating :) By myself it could easily be very repetitive.

    And you have the girls to keep you in eggs -- yay!

  7. ditto what June said about your committment and determination as is evident by many of your blogs!

    you're doing a great job and seem to be enjoying it, too! I am sill trying to figure out when I can throw in some exercise btw work and my 4 year old.

    thanks for the motivation!

  8. I was a little surprised at the canned lunch! You've featured so many home-made, fresh veggie recipes that I can't imagine you choosing an modern "adulterated" soup.
    If it were just me, I could probably do the same-thing-every-day menu: I currently have granola and tea for breakfast, Yoplait light and crunchies for lunch most days--my elementary kids at school give me a hard time about the latter. But I try to make life a little interesting for the hubby (tho his mother never cooked much, so he's happy to get just about anything!).
    I wish I could do eggs that frequently--I love fresh!--but my gall bladder has told me no.
    What's the current weigh-in??

  9. Nope...I don't have any great recipes, but I do have to weigh in on the Progresso Light soups - they are great!
    I also agree with you on the extra calories required just to get dressed for the extreme cold last week. Did you factor in the number of extra calories required just to move when you are dressed like a Michelin Man?!

  10. A few things that worked for me (75 pounds off and stayed off for 6 years).
    1. Anytime you're hungry, have a glass of water.
    2. Lots of veggies and NO deserts
    3. Use a smaller plate
    4. Do push aways (Push away from the table when you're done the first portion.
    Good luck!
    Oh yeah, buy an acreage... it gives a person LOTS of exercise.

  11. I'll take whatever Wynonna is having.



  12. Weight Watchers Cabbage Soup

    1 Can V-8 Juice plus ½ can water
    2 to 3 cans green beans drained
    1 pkg. shredded cabbage slaw mix
    1 small onion chopped (frozen pkg. works fine)
    2 cans petite diced tomatoes or 1 can mild Rotel (Rotel makes it a little hotter)
    1 pkg Taco Seasoning
    ¼ pkg Chili Seasoning
    Garlic seasoning to taste
    1 large beef bouillon cube ( I prefer Knox) or 2 small ones
    Salt and pepper
    1 can pinto beans (rinsed & not seasoned with meat,)
    Optional—carrots, mushrooms
    Add all ingred. In large pot and cook about 1-2 hours. Will keep a week in refrig.

  13. I eat oatmeal for breakfast too, although not two which is probably why I'm starving by lunch. My lunch is more like Sigrid's breakfast but I rotate fruits so I don't get bored although I do love my raspberries.

    Dinner usually vegetables and some protein, we eat a lot of salmon and chicken. Your frittata looks great.

    BUT I have a sweet tooth so I can cheat sometimes. Right now I am in cheating mode bigtime. Must be boredom cause the weather sucks and I can't work horses.

    I do have a sinful tasting dessert that is not really sinful. It is jello's mousse temptations. They are only 60 calories and I can even put a squirt of ready whip on top and still be at 100. Currently out of stock in my fridge, maybe that's why I'm cheating. Love the chocolate versions. Nummm.

  14. This looks delicious. I could eat pretty nearly the same thing myself. I would actually rather do other things than cook. I just looked up that recipe and it looks easy to try. I've been reading that steel cut oats topped with nuts, cranberries, flax seeds or something like that makes the best breakfast so I'm going to get some as soon as we can get the snow and ice off enough for me to get out! I never did try your Rancher Woman Chicken, but it sounded so good. I guess it had too many calories.

    Another plus about your daily routine is that groceries should cost less, especially when you have your own fresh eggs. You're motivatin'!

  15. KathyB, that long haul is getting a little shorter each day. As long as you're making tracks on that treadmill, you'll get there.

    JaneK, I am enjoying that I'm beyond that first couple of weeks. It's amazing how seeing results makes it fun. Maybe there's a physical activity that you and your daughter could do together?

    EvenSong, the canned soup is my easy way out - I'd rather be outside doing chores than spend time preparing lunch. The current weigh in is 10 pounds less than when I started four weeks ago.

    Dreaming, I can tell you speak from experience on the whole Michelin Man thing. I can't wait for the day to be able to go outside without a coat.

    IanH, that's a very impressive statistic. Care to write a guest post for us on how you've kept it off?

    Snappy Di ... Wynonna is having dried-up oatmeal on her tray...are you sure?

    Brenda, thanks for posting that recipe! Maybe I'll be able to break my Progresso habit afterall.

    Rising Rainbow, those jello mousse things might be replacing my nightly yoplait. Thanks for the idea.

    Suzanne, the frittata recipe is VERY easy - and it only takes about 10 minutes from start to finish.

  16. I lost 60lbs. in 4 mos. by eating an 80% RAW diet. It has been the easiest thing ever! I start my day with a green smoothie (oatmeal if it's really cold outside). Lunch and dinner is usually a veggie, lentil or bean soup or a huge salad. If I have a sandwich it is on sprouted grain bread and is all veggies. Dessert is fruit or sometimes I make RAW desserts made from nuts, coconut sugar and other unrefined ingredients. I crave my greens since starting this, a get pretty creative with smoothies and salads.

  17. Lucy is gonna love packing less of you, Linda! Way to go!

  18. I'm glad you enjoyed the frittata. When we had fresh basil in our garden over the summer, I ate this about three times per week!

  19. My favorite cold weather breakfast is maple, brown sugar and cinnamon
    oatmeal also. Your dinner looks delicious! Are the girls still helping you with the frittata in this cold weather? You could make a big pot of healthy homemade soup when you have some free time, then re-heat a bowl of soup for your lunch. I've been doing that for the past 3 days!

  20. Snow is pretty sky is blue sun looks warm and the ranger sure helps out.Iremember when you did the other install without it.I am sure that lucy will appreceiate all the work with a big bray

  21. Ugh. So sorry I missed this 12 week series, because I surely needed to join you on your quest for fitness. Mine has been diminishing at an alarming rate. I thought I'd jump start myself this month and join a gym/personal trainer. Yeah. First visit left me on the ground and unable to walk after 2 days. And I thought I was taking it easy to start! I guess age is setting in....
