
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The waiting is over

To put this day into perspective, first you must stare at the view below for four hours:

That's how long I sat in my chair out at the barn until I finally saw this:

This is the part where you start jumping up and down, race out to the gate, and have happy tears start running down your face. We'll fast forward through the unloading and the listening to the transporter who talked verrrry slowwwwly when all I wanted to do was send him on his way so I could lead Lucy to the corral to meet her brothers.

She immediately dropped and rolled for a dust bath...

...then everybody checked each other out. All in all, it has been beautifully uneventful. Lucy will stay on her side of the fence and the boys on their side for a few days, 'cause that's just the way I am, but there has been no squealing or squabbling so far. Lucy is exploring the corral, hoovering up any hay she finds, rolling in every fresh patch of dirt, and otherwise being adorable.

I know everybody is going to get along just fine.


  1. Welcome home beautiful! I hope you are as excited as your admirers are!


  2. OOOOH! OOOH! OOOH! I am so excited to see her dear little face.
    Happy Day Carson!

  3. Yayyyyyyy!!! Lucy is here!!! What an auspicious beginning - they actually look eager to get to know each other. I'm so happy for you!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. How exciting!!! I'm glad everyone is getting along famously. Lucy is too adorable for words. Good luck.

  5. What a happy day. Congratulations.

  6. THis is so cute! Im glad she made it safely!! I just wish this post was with more photos and more information!

  7. Yay! Glad she arrived safe and sound and that the meet & greet was uneventful :)

    I'm kinda surprised though, she doesn't look a whole lot bigger than George & Alan. I know you told us how big she is (or isn't lol) but I thought the boys were smaller.... or maybe its a trick of perspective??
    Any chance that riding is in either of the boys future?

  8. WOO HOO!!!!!!

  9. Congratulations!!! She is absolutely adorable! So glad your going to start riding again...if only I could get myself to do the same :)

  10. Woohoo, I am so happy she arrived safe and sound. I know it was a longer wait for you than the rest of us. Welcome to your new forever home, Lucy!!!

  11. Congratulations! Is she the same size as the boys? She looks bigger. She has the prettiest silvery hair. I can hear the guys now, in their Desi voice...."Oh Luuuuucy!"

  12. I am totally through the roof excited and thrilled for you!!! She totally fits in there. What an adorable face. I laughed when I read your first comment, although, you have to admit the view is pretty stunning.

    So happy for you!!!!!

  13. So glad Lucy arrived safely. Been sitting waiting to see these pics. Thanks.

  14. Congratulations! She looks like she's going to fit right in.

  15. Oh I'm so happy for you. I've been checking back here all day, and am so pleased to see Lucy arrived safe and sound. I love how relaxed she looks and how the guys are looking at her like she's an angel from heaven. :) Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wow! I am so happy for you all! I have checked your website about every hour for an update and I am so glad that everyone is very happy together! Keep us posted! Congratulations!!!

  17. Welcome home Lucy! How wonderful that everyone seems to be getting along. The boys look very curious about their new sister. I'm thinking you won't have to keep them separated very long. So glad she arrived safe and sound. Will you be sleeping in the corral with her tonight? :)

  18. HURRAY! I have been watching this space all day to see Lucy's arrival pop up (don't tell my boss :) ) And there she is looking so adorable, I can't wait to start following her adventures at 7MSN.

  19. Well I just burst into tears. Sheesh, now everyone at work wants to know if I'm okay.

    I'm so excited for everyone.

  20. Adorable. It looks like she's been in a bit cooler weather than your boys by the looks of her coat. Have loads of fun with your new family member.

  21. Oh so happy you finally got her!!!!
    Have fun!!!

  22. How awesome is that! I'm so happy for you. Lucy looks good with the boys.

  23. Man, I am so excited and I'm not even there! Neat pictures, especially the last one.

    Soooo Carson, are you going to sleep in the barn tonight? LOL, I bet you literally 'pass out' in your own bed after the anxiousness you've experienced the past few days.

    Welcome home Lucy!!!

  24. Good intro picture; when I saw the truck & trailer, I was ready to jump up and start hootin' and hollerin' with you (but then I remembered I was at work, and this had already happened hours ago).

    So is LOVE? Might be, look at that pointy-eared stare! Can't wait for the next chapter.

  25. Looks like you'll have to get out the leaf blower to clean her up now that she's had her dust bath (or two)!

    Loved how you had us watch out the window in the first frame. We feel like we've waited forever right along with you!

    Welcome little Miss Lucy! We're so happy to see you finally in your new digs!

  26. OMG! Tears of joy here, too. Lucy is so beautiful. And I'm a new aunt! So excited for you and the herd - anxious to see fun photos and comments from all. Bless Estella and her family for making ours so happy.

  27. What a wonderful relief! Welcome home, Lucy, and hugs to everyone.

  28. I'm normaly alurker, have been checking all day for your big event. She is soooooo adorable. I just know she's going to be happy with you & the boys. Can't wait to see more pix, ecspecially of you back in the saddle with your very own gurly gurl.

  29. Love the last picture. I am so excited for you and can not wait to here how they all get along.

  30. Oh how exciting! I am so glad Lucy is finally at her new home. I am so very happy for everyone at 7MSN. What a great photo of the gang. Keep the photos comming Linda and my best wishes to you all.

  31. Here I am, far away and have never met the gang, but I have tears, too! Such an exciting time and such a very lucky Lucy!

  32. WOOHOO!! She looks right at home already!

  33. YAHOOOOOOO!! Congratulations Linda, Hank, George, Alan and Lucy.

  34. she looks adorable! sister? i thought something might be in the offing :P

  35. LOL I would have done the same thing! Just watching the road for that first little puff of dust that tells you someone is coming! Lucy is lovely, can't wait to hear of all the new adventures you two will have. Looks like everyone will do just fine, agree with the "getting to know you over the fence" period.

  36. Yaaaaay! The look on Hank's face in the third pic is priceless!

  37. The boys look like they are already in love with her!
    Congratulations on your newest addition.

  38. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! As usual, Carson, you have captured the moment perfectly. Happy tears!!!!!

    Lucy seems to have weathered the trip quite well - and I know she enjoyed her first roll in 7MSN dirt :)

    Miss Lucy, you are one blessed donkey! You bring the love with you, girl.

    Carson, Estella - BREATHE - she's home safe & sound. I know how moms worry.

    PS: Love the picture of Hank with his head over the fence - looks like he has that Joey Tribbiani "How YOU doin'" vibe going on - lol

  39. The boys look like they can't wait to play. Congratulations on your newest addition to your family.

  40. Yay for Lucy's safe arrival! Everyone looks so dang cute, and just like the were meant to be together.

    That close up of Lucy's beautiful face is making me smile from ear to ear.

  41. I love all this excitement! Glad she made it safe and sound!!
    Happy tears for you....

  42. I know a little burro girl who's gonna be getting LOTS of loving attention for a good long while!
    The boyz are gonna have a ball showing off for her, don't you think?
    I'm so glad she got there safe and sound. What a mellow animal to, first thing, roll around in the dirt and make it her own!

  43. congrats! can't wait to hear more about Lucy .

  44. Oh she is sooooo cute! Love those hairy eyebrows! Funny how one little donkey can make so many people happy- we love Lucy!

  45. Hooray! Can't have too many long ears! And Lucy, my Smooth Fox Terrier, says your new arrival has a lovely name.

  46. Hurray, Lucy!!! Welcome to your new home - I think you're going to like it here a lot!
    Looking forward to more pictures!!

  47. After sitting and staring at that view for 4 hours, I was just as excited to see that delivery truck arrive as you were! YAHO! It is good to finally meet Lucy! I am so looking forward to learning more and getting to know her as well!

  48. Welcome to NM beautiful girl. Your brothers already look like they will love having a sister around. Linda, it's so great to know your wish has become a reality and she is gorgeous. Buena suerte mis amigos. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  49. Linda, do you know the great folks in the RGMDA in your area. Rio Grande Mule and Donkey Asso. If you need a connection let me know.
    Suzy Temple

  50. Four hours! Geez, I'd have been a nervous wreck by then. Lucy looks none the worse for wear making that trip. I love it when they travel stress free like that.

    I'm so glad she arrived safe and sound and that the introductions have been uneventful. Before you know it, you'll hardly remember not having her.

  51. This is so silly of me but my heart skipped a beat when I saw the picture of the trailer coming! Woo-hoo!! I love the way they are checking each other out. We keep new horses/donkeys separated at first too. It's just safer to get acquainted across a fence.

  52. She is so calm, poised, confident and cute as can be. I loved how the boys all watched her roll in the dirt and then hung over the fence to say hi. To paraphrase Bogart, "Lucy, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

  53. Goodness Linda I am so glad I didn't skip over this! Congrats on your new family member. Do you intend to ride her? We had a mule in today at school, doing it's feet was very interesting they rode it often too she was very sweet.

  54. So happy for you. Can't wait to see the photos of you riding her. She looks lovely.

  55. AWESOME!! SHE'S ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! That last shot is just the best! Congratulations :D

  56. All I can say, is " OH, HAPPY DAY !!!!"

    Tears of joy here for Estella and Linda

  57. Great news. Happy trails to you...Can't wait till you ride.

  58. And Heeeeeeerrreeeee's Lucy!!!
    Nice to see ya girlfriend!
    THeresa in Alberta

  59. Welcome there little lady!

  60. Look at all these people who were checking and checking your blog all day! Congratulations, and welcome to Lucy! She's going to be a big part of our world--all of our worlds!

  61. She's just perfect. Sending love to all at the 7MSN and to Lucy's family in CO who are so very brave!

  62. Look at that face. She is a blogger already and meant to be one. Congrats !!!

  63. Wow!!! That's wonderful - she's adorable - but then we knew that already! So glad she arrived safe and sound.

  64. I love Lucy's eyebrows! She must feel pretty comfortable already if she was willing to roll in the dirt with the boys watching. I'm wondering if you're going to be adding a Desi, Fred and Ethel to your herd now??? :)

  65. Leave it to you, Linda ( as i gaze at these photos for the umpteenth time) to capture ( in your last shot) the MOST perfect first group photo that ever could be of the Fab Four :) :) :) :)

  66. Awesome, absolutely awesome. Will you sleep tonight? She is about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Happy tears for you.

  67. Knew you wouldn't be able to wait to post her arrival!

    Looks like she is settling herself right in to the herd.

    Congratulations, she is adorable just like everybody else at 7MSN. Wow, just wow.

  68. So glad she has arrived safe and sound! She seems to have traveled well. Has she met Wynonna yet??
    If Alan has the "moe" look going on, then Lucy's is the "Groucho" effect! What a sweetie!

  69. Welcome to New Mexico, sweet Lucy! We all can't wait to meet you. xoxoxo

  70. It's about time some good luck came your way! What a relief to know Lucy arrive safe and sound.
    You are wise to play it safe with the boys behind a fence. I lost my horse from overly zealous barn help who turned my sweet gelding out into an established herd. 'nuff said.
    May you have many happy, healthy years together!

  71. I tried staring at the first picture...but only lasted a few seconds because I just had to see Lucy!!

  72. Good things come to those that wait.... and you waited a long time.... so this is a GREAT thing. soooooo ecstatic for you!!!!

    thanks for sharing your joy with us!

  73. PS: I changed my mind from the V-Day comments.... that last shot should be your next header.... how awesome it is!!

  74. Ohhhh! I'm so happy for you. What a trip she has had, yet Lucy seems right at home and likes your dirt! Have fun sleeping in the barn tonight :)

  75. Awwww...she's so darn cute! I'm looking forward to follow-ups. I remember when Beauty and Gigondas arrived at MIDNIGHT! And, the mustangs, too, arrived during the night!

  76. I am soooo happy for you Linda! She is gorgeous!!!

  77. Yay! Congrats Carson, she is gorgeous. I'm sure she is going to fit in perfectly. Enjoy!


  78. Hooray!! The last picture is the first official family picture of the four of them!!
    So happy for you.

  79. LOVE the last pic of the boys with their new sister! Let the fun begin!
